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Alexey Torgashin, from Russia. Main field of interest in Lazarus: LCL and its controls.
Small tasks done
I've improved in FPC and Lazarus:
- LCL: TTreeView: implement Tooltips
- LCL: TTreeView: implement MultiSelectStyle options
- LCL: TTreeView: implement HotTrack
- LCL: TTreeView: implement DisabledFontColor
- LCL: TTreeView: add TTreeNode.Enabled
- LCL: TTreeView: implement auto-scrolling up/down during drag-drop
- LCL: TShape: added shapes: triangles, 5-angle star
- LCL: TArrow: added custom arrow angle
- LCL: LConvEncoding: refactored, added global var for "error mode"
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-3
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-4
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-5
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-7
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-9
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-10
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-13
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-14
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-15
- LCL: LConvEncoding: added encoding ISO-8859-16
- LCL: added function Dialogs.InputQuery with array parameters (like Delphi XE)
- LCL: added buttons+colors to Calculator dialog
- LCL: TImage: added StretchInEnabled/StretchOutEnabled, KeepOriginXYWhenClipped
- LCL: TImage: added OnPaintBackground
- LCL: TPanel: added BevelColor
- LCL: TListView: added CustomSort
- LCL: TCustomGrid: implement DisabledFontColor
- LCL: TPageSetupDialog: added Margin*/Units props, big rework of Unix PageSetupDialog
- LCL: implement mouse wheel horizontal scrolling (OnMouseWheelHorz, OnMouseWheelLeft, OnMouseWheelRight)
- LCL: implement TMenuItem.Assign(TMenuItem), TMenu.Assign(TMenu)
- FPC: RegExpr unit: supported Unicode word detection for "\w"
- Components: LazControls Filter* controls: added FilterOptions prop
- Components: PlotFunction: added LineWidth props
- Components: SynEdit: added 2-3 features to SynEdit (at the time when I needed it, new caret shape and showing of some unprinted chars)
- IDE: added keymapping, like Mac keymap with replaced Ctrl->Command
- IDE: added TextHint usage to 4-6 forms
- IDE: added treeview (was listbox) to "New project" dialog
- IDE: made help in refactoring Project Inspector (I removed ++ button and moved its funcs into submenu of + btn), Package Manager (same work)
- IDE: added "Manifest options" form, added 3-4 options for manifest
- Widgetset: Carbon+Cocoa: fixed Canvas.LineTo, Canvas.TextOut
- Widgetset: Win32: TTabControl/TPageControl: implement TabWidth/TabHeight
- Widgetset: GTK2: major fix to allow Ru chars input, if app starts with Ru keyboard layout active
- Widgetset: Win32/Carbon/Cocoa/Gtk/Gtk2/Qt: implement mouse wheel horiz scrolling
- Widgetset: Cocoa: made Ctrl+click calling the context menu (like it should be on macOS)
- Widsetset: Cocoa: implement LCLIntf.MessageBox.
- Widgetset: GTK3: improvements to Canvas drawing code (LineTo, Rect, FillRect, Ellipse, Polygon, Pixels)
- Widgetset: GTK3: fixed TRadioButton behaviour
- lot of improvements in TRegExpr
- ATSynEdit
- ATBinHex
- ATGauge
- ATTabs
- ATExtendedDialogs
- ATGroups
- ATStatusBar
- ATScrollBar
- ATButton
- ATListbox
- ATFlatToolbar
- ATFileNotif
- ATImageBox
- ATShapeLine
- ATShellTreeview
- Using_Python_in_Lazarus_on_Windows/Linux
- Emmet-Pascal
- AEncoding
- Win32MenuStyler
- Win32TitleStyler
- Win32TaskbarProgress
- EncConv
- CudaText is the cross-platform text editor, with some IDE features, based on ATSynEdit, it has JSON config files instead of options dialogs.
- SynWrite was the previous text editor, for Windows only. It has many plugins, syntax lexers. Superseded by CudaText now.