System unit
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In Free Pascal the System unit is the unit that is included by every program. FPC's run-time library comes with a System unit where most, if not all of its functionalities work on every available platform.
Also depending on the platform it's not true that no further unit is added, because for example on Windows the SysInit unit is also used, because that contains the entry point for the binary.
Compilation of System unit
For quite some time already FPC automatically applies the -Us switch to the unit named System, so you don't need the -Us switch. The -Us switch tells the compiler that only basic type definitions are being made. Types such as Integer are not yet available.
Mandatory tasks of System unit
If you attempt to create your own system unit, you'll incrementally notice what the compiler needs or what the generated code expects. On a Linux target, the minimal system unit has to contain:
unit system;
The type hresult must be defined, for example:
hresult = LongInt;
The identifier operatingsystem_result has to be declared. The data stored at that position are communicated to the operating system as return value. Whether hresult and operatingsystem_result are defined in the "interface" section is irrelevant. However, it is very plausible to put those into the "interface" section, so programs using this system unit can manipulate those.
ExitCode: hresult = 0; export name 'operatingsystem_result';
Here comes to light what the system responsibilities are: It has to (or should) initialize units, that means call every unit's Initialization routines. For that the label FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS has to be defined.
procedure InitializeUnits; alias: 'FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS';
Also the label FPC_DO_EXIT has to be defined. Here, system unit programmers have the chance to finalize units.
procedure doExit; alias: 'FPC_DO_EXIT';
Furthermore FPC will possibly complain the unit FPIntRes is missing. So create a file fpintres.pas:
unit FPIntRes;
After doing so, you can compile your system unit (flag -Us is not needed), or directly create an empty program and compile it to examine the impact on the binary's size. On a x86-64 Linux target the executable had a size of 2.7 Kbytes. The big trade-off is no convenience. All functionality that can't be “implemented” by the compiler is gone. For example Addr or Ord still work, while Sin() or Random() are not available. Confer the procedure create_intern_symbols in "compiler/psystem.pas".
Note: Depending on what your program uses, there might other mandatory tasks, too.
Especially OOP won't work without a functional ObjPas unit.Initialization and finalization of units
For those who are curious, how to implement FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS: FPC puts into every program's data section a INITFINAL table. Compiling a program with the "-al" flag will retain the Assembler file "*.s". Examining this Assembler file, you will encounter something like:
.section .data.n_INITFINAL
.balign 8
.type INITFINAL,@object
.quad 1,0
For further investigations have a glimpse at an actual implementation: "rtl/inc/".
Note: In general, implementing an “own” system unit is a stupid idea. There is “smart-linking” if size matters.
Other issues with compilation
- Q: Now FPC wants to compile the ObjPas unit.
- A: That is because your project's mode is set to ObjFPC (Lazarus will pass a -MObjFPC parameter to the compiler then) which automatically leads to an insertion of the ObjPas unit. Either change your project's mode in Project Settings -> Compiler Settings -> Parsing or add a {$mode fpc} to your main program file.
- Q: Now FPC cannot find this:
Unknown compilerproc "fpc_initializeunits". Check if you use the correct run time library.
- A: You need to add a
procedure fpc_initializeunits; compilerproc;
both in the interface and implementation section.
- Q: I am stuck, FPC says:
Internal type "TEXCEPTADDR" was not found
- A: The compiler expects some system defined types to be defined when parsing a subroutine such as the implementation section of System. This means you have to add some type definitions to System. It appears that this check was added to 3.2.0.
Example of System unit
The example is made by user Okoba at forum.
File system.pas:
unit system;
hresult = LongInt;
DWord = LongWord;
Cardinal = LongWord;
Integer = SmallInt;
UInt64 = QWord;
TTypeKind = (tkUnknown, tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkFloat, tkSet,
tkMethod, tkSString, tkLString, tkAString, tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray,
tkRecord, tkInterface, tkClass, tkObject, tkWChar, tkBool, tkInt64, tkQWord,
tkDynArray, tkInterfaceRaw, tkProcVar, tkUString, tkUChar, tkHelper, tkFile,
tkClassRef, tkPointer);
jmp_buf = packed record
rbx, rbp, r12, r13, r14, r15, rsp, rip: QWord;
{$IFDEF win64}
rsi, rdi: QWord;
xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15: record
m1, m2: QWord;
mxcsr: LongWord;
fpucw: word;
padding: word;
{$ENDIF win64}
Pjmp_buf = ^jmp_buf;
PExceptAddr = ^TExceptAddr;
TExceptAddr = record
buf: Pjmp_buf;
next: PExceptAddr;
frametype: SmallInt;
frametype: LongInt;
PGuid = ^TGuid;
TGuid = packed record
case Integer of
(Data1: DWord;
Data2: word;
Data3: word;
Data4: array [0 .. 7] of byte;
(D1: DWord;
D2: word;
D3: word;
D4: array [0 .. 7] of byte;
( { uuid fields according to RFC4122 }
time_low: DWord; // The low field of the timestamp
time_mid: word; // The middle field of the timestamp
time_hi_and_version: word;
// The high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number
clock_seq_hi_and_reserved: byte;
// The high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant
clock_seq_low: byte; // The low field of the clock sequence
node: array [0 .. 5] of byte; // The spatially unique node identifier
ExitCode: hresult = 0; export name 'operatingsystem_result';
procedure fpc_initializeunits; compilerproc;
procedure fpc_do_exit; compilerproc;
procedure fpc_initializeunits;
procedure fpc_do_exit;
File sysinit.pas:
unit sysinit;
procedure _FPC_mainCRTStartup; stdcall; public name '_mainCRTStartup';
procedure _FPC_mainCRTStartup; stdcall;
File fpintres.pas:
unit FPIntRes;
Comparative remarks
Other compilers such as GNU Pascal or Delphi use similar constructs, but to varying extent, and the file is not necessarily named "system.pas".
See also
- FPC RTL System unit reference
- System unit structure, some explanation about the distributed system unit
- Minimal RTL
- RTL development articles