Synedit 2.0.5 port
SynEdit es un control multilínea avanzado ,de edición de texto ,para Borland Delphi y Kylix. Soporta resaltado de sintaxis, ajuste de texto, completado de código, Plantillas y exporta en los formatos HTML, TeX y RTF.
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SynEdit is an advanced multi-line edit control, for Borland Delphi and Kylix (C++Builder mostly works, but is unsupported). It supports syntax highlighting, word-wrapping, code completion , template components, and exporters for HTML, TeX and RTF.
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Ejecutándose en Linux con el componente TSynPasSyn
Running under linux with the TSynPasSyn component
Ejecutándose en Linux con los componentes SynWeb y TSynCompletionProposal
Running under linux with the SynWeb and TSynCompletionProposal components
En Windows XP con los componentes SynWeb y TSynCompletionProposal
Running under Windows XP with the SynWeb and TSynCompletionProposal components