Healthcare and Biomedical Research
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Lazarus and Free Pascal enjoy growing recognition in clincial medicine, health care and biomedical research. The following list provides an overview of software applications and algorithms for Lazarus and FPC.
Biomedical Cybernetics
- A measure of association between vectors based on “similarity covariance”. Paper and Software
- SimThyr: A numerical simulation program for thyroid homeostasis.
- SimulaBeta: A simulation program for insulin-glucose homeostasis.
- SPINA: Software for calculating constant structure-parameters of endocrine feedback control systems.
- CyberUnits: A cross-platform class library for rapid programming of high-performance computer simulations in life sciences.
- MRIcroGL: Hardware-accelerated renderer for display of 3D medical images.
- MRIcron: Visualizer and volume renderer for medical images (MRI, CT, PET) that also supports statistical analysis and conversion from DICOM format to NIfTI format.
Signal Processing
- Dr. Sagura Royal Medical Systems AG: Software for medical EEG/PSG Data Acquisition Amplifier Systems.
- ELEcro, a tool for viewing electrophysiological data.
- fMRI Simulator, an app that helps design efficient fMRI studies, and demonstrates the principles of fMRI signals.
- Nest-o-Patch, software for the analysis of patch-clamp. two-electrode-voltage clamp and other electrophysiological data.
Algorithms, Packages and Units
- Laz DICOM Decoder, a DICOM decoder class for Lazarus
- PUMA Repository (Pascal Units for Medical Applications) is a collection of reusable Pascal code modules for health informatics (including EDF+ and HL7 engines and a converter for units of measurement).
- QUANTUM SALIS, a collection of statistical algorithms for life sciences.