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La librería fpSpreadsheet ofrece un modo práctico de generar y leer documentos spreadsheet (hosas de cálculo) en varios formatos. Está escrita en una manera muy flexible, capaz de ser extendida para soportar cualquier número de formatos facilmente.
Aquí se muestra un pantallazo del programa de demo "spready" que viene con fpspreadsheet, que muestra un fichero XLS.
Esta página wiki cubre las últimas versión de desarrollo/trunk de FPSpreadsheet disponibles vía subversin. Por favor mira la sección Stable releases para la documentación de la versión estable que puedes descargar.
Documentación API
Referencia de la API
Hay disponible un fichero de ayuda en formato CHM dentro de la carpeta docs al descomprimir el paquete descargado (e.g. \fpspreadsheet-1.6.2\docs). Si todavía no has instalado el paquete sigue: http://lazarus-ccr.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/lazarus-ccr/components/fpspreadsheet/docs/fpspreadsheet-api.chm para fpspreadsheet-api.chm.
Hay también disponible un segundo fichero CHM de ayuda en la misma carpeta docs, fpspreadsheet-wiki.chm, que es una instantanea de las páginas wiki relativas a FPSpreadsheet.
Conceptos básicos
Las entidades más pequeñas en un spreadsheet son las cells (celdas), las cuales contienen datos. Las celdas (Cells) pueden contener varios tipos de datos, tales como cadenas, números, fechas, horas, valores booleanos o fórmulas. Adicionalmente, las celdas pueden contener información de formato, i.e. estilo de fuente, color de fondo, alineación de texto, etc.
Las celdas están dispuestas en una estructura a modo de cuadrícula o rejilla llamada worksheet, or spreadsheet consistente en rows (filas) y columns (columnas). Cada celda tiene una dirección única dada por el índice de fila y columna.
Las Worksheets (hojas del libro de trabajo) se ponen juntas para formar un workbook (libro de trabajo), el cual representa el documento de la aplicación spreadsheet (hoja de cálculo). El workbook almacena además la información de todos los worksheets, i.e. listado de fuentes, listados de formato de número, etc.
FPSpreadsheet sigue la misma estructura - hay un TCell, un TsWorksheet, y un TsWorkbook.
La clase TsWorkbook es la clase principal visible para el usuario. Provee métodos de lectura y escritura a ficheros. La estructura versátil de la librería provee acceso a una variedad de formatos de fichero populares tales como Excel .xls o .xlsx, así como de OpenOffice/LibreOffice .ods.
El formato de fichero se especifica mediante el tipo TsSpreadsheetFormat definido en la unit fpstypes
TsSpreadsheetFormat = (sfExcel2, sfExcel5, sfExcel8, sfExcelXML, sfOOXML,
sfOpenDocument, sfCSV, sfHTML, sfWikiTable_Pipes, sfWikiTable_WikiMedia, sfUser);
- sfExcel2, sfExcel5, sfExcel8 soporta versiones del formato binario xls utilizado por Excel ("BIFF" = "Binary Interchange File Format / Formato de Fichero de Intercambio Binario") siendo sfExcel8 el más moderno.
- sfOOXLM Corresponde al formato más actual xlsx introducido para Excel2007.
- sfExcelXML es el formato xml que fué introducido por Microsoft con Office XP/2003. No muy popular.
- sfOpenDocument es el formato spreadsheet utilizado por OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
- sfCSV referido a ficheros de texto conteniendo valores delimitados por comas; es entendido por cualquier editor de texto y por todos los programas de hojas de cálculo (spreadsheet), pero no contienen información de formateado.
- sfHTML denota el formato estandar HTML tal como se utiliza en visores web.
- sfWikiTable_Pipes y sfWikiTable_WikiMedia es el formato utilizado por las tablas de los sitios web en formato wiki.
- sfUser se necesita para registrar un formato definido por el usuario. No hay planes de implementar formatos de fichero antiguos tales como Excel3.0/4.0 o Lotus. Es posible sin embargo aportar tus propias clases de lectura y escritura para extender la funcionalidad de FPSpreadsheet - Ver la sección más abajo sobre Añadiendo nuevos formatos de fichero
Cuando se aplica un fpspreadsheet la primera tarea es crear una instancia de workbook:
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
La lectura de ficheros spreadsheets se realiza (entre otros) por los siguientes métodos de workbook:
- procedure ReadFromFile(AFileName: string):
Lee el fichero especificado y determina automáticamente su formato correcto. - procedure ReadFromFile(AFileName: string; AFormat: TsSpreadsheetFormat):
Lee el fichero, pero asume que su formato viene especificado en AFormat.
Se pueden utilizar los siguientes métodos de workbook para salvar a fichero:
- procedure WriteToFile(const AFileName: string; const AFormat: TsSpreadsheetFormat; const AOverwriteExisting: Boolean = False):
Escribe un workbook al fichero dado utilizando el formato dado a spreadsheet. En caso de que el fichero ya exista entonces se sobreescribe automáticamente si AOverwriteExisting vale true: - procedure WriteToFile(const AFileName: String; const AOverwriteExisting: Boolean = False):
mismo, pero el formato de fichero se determina a partir de la extensión dada (en el caso de Excel con extensión xls y para la versión más reciente se utiliza sfExcel8).
Después de llamar a estos métodos es conveniente revisar la propiedad ErrorMsg de workbook para verificar si existen mensajes de error o advertencias generadas durante el proceso de lectura o escritura. Esta propiedad retorna cadenas multi-línea por lo que se mostrarán mejor en un componente tipo memo; en caso de que el proceso de lectura o escritura se realice correctamente entonces nos retornará una cadena vacía.
Note: FPSpreadsheets provee units especializadas para la lectura / escritura de cada formato de fichero. Estas unidades no se aplican automáticamente, deben ser añadidas explícitamente a la claúsula uses. FPSpreadsheet will complain about "unsupported file format" si no encuentra la lectura / escritura solicitada. Aquí se muestra un listado de los nombres de las units.
- xlsbiff2, xlsbiff5 y xlsbiff8 para el formato de fichero binario correspondiente a xls sfExcel2, sfExcel5 y sfExcel8, respectivamente,
- xlsOOXML para el formato de fichero xlsx sfOOXML o Excel 2007 y posteriores,
- xlsXMLpara el formato de fichero xml de Excel XP/2003,
- fpsopendocument para el formato de fichero sfOpenDocument de OpenOffice/LibreOffice,
- fpsCSV para ficheros de texto con valores separados por comas (csv),
- fpsHTML para fichero HTML,
- wikitables para sfWikiTable_Pipes y sfWikiTable_WikiMedia,
- o, simplemente añade fpsallformats para tener soporte de lectura / escritura para todos los tipos de formato soportados.
El workbook contiene un listado de instancias TsWorksheet. Estas corresponde con las solapas (tabs) que puedes ver en Excel o en OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Cuando se realiza la lectura de un fichero spreadsheet (hoja de cálculo) entonces se crean automáticamente las hojas del libro (worksheets) de acuerdo al contenido del fichero. Cuando se crea una hoja de cálculo manualmente para guardarlo en un fichero, entonces hay que crear un worksheet añadiendolo al libro:
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My_Table');
// 'My_Table' is the "name" of the worksheet
Already existing worksheets can be accessed by using the TsWorkbook methods
- function GetFirstWorksheet: TsWorksheet: retrieves the first worksheet of the workbook.
- function GetWorksheetByIndex(AIndex: Cardinal): TsWorksheet: returns the worksheet with the given index (starting at 0).
- function GetWorksheetByName(AName: String): TsWorksheet: returns the worksheet with the given name which was used when the worksheet was added.
La cuenta de los worksheets que contiene se puede consultar llamando a GetWorksheetCount.
Celda (cell)
El worksheet, finalmente, permite acceder a las celdas. Un worksheet creado de cero, como en el ejemplo mostrado, se encuentra vacío y no contiene celdas. Las celdas se añaden mediante la asignación de datos o atributos utilizando métodos WriteXXXX del worksheet. Como ya se ha mencionado, la celda "A1" pertenece a la fila 0, columna 0 (row 0, col 0). Debe tenerse en cuenta que el índice de fila y columna siempre se especifican en este orden, lo cual es "diferente de la convención de" TStringGrid. El siguiente ejemplo crea una celda en la dirección A1 y le asigna el número 1.0.
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('Mi_Tabla');
MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 0, 1.0); // "A1" tiene row=0 y col=0
Además es posible acceder a las celdas directamente por medio de los métodos FindCell(ARow, ACol) o GetCell(ARow, ACol) del workbook. Ambas funciones existen además en la versión overloaded en la cual la dirección de la celda se puede pasar en notación Excel: FindCell(ACellStr: String) o GetCell(ACellStr: String). Por favor, estar al tanto de que estas funciones retornan un puntero al dato de la celda (tipo PCell). ¡ No olvidarse de dereferenciar los punteros !. La diferencia entre FindCell y GetCell es que la modalidad uno retorna nil, si la celda no existe todavía, mientras que la última crea en este caso una celda vacía.
if MyWorksheet.FindCell('A1') = nil then
WriteLn('Cell A1 does not exist.');
This is the declaration of the cell's data type:
TCell = record
{ Location of the cell }
Worksheet: TsWorksheet;
Col: Cardinal; // zero-based
Row: Cardinal; // zero-based
{ Index of format record }
FormatIndex: Integer;
{ Status flags }
Flags: TsCellFlags; // (cfHasComment, cfMerged, cfHyperlink, ...)
{ Cell content }
UTF8StringValue: String; // strings cannot be part of a variant record
FormulaValue: String;
case ContentType: TCellContentType of // must be at the end of the declaration
cctEmpty : (); // has no data at all
cctFormula : (); // UTF8StringValue is outside the variant record
cctNumber : (Numbervalue: Double);
cctUTF8String : (); // FormulaValue is outside the variant record
cctDateTime : (DateTimevalue: TDateTime);
cctBool : (BoolValue: boolean);
cctError : (ErrorValue: TsErrorValue);
PCell = ^TCell;
The field ContentType indicates which data type is stored in the cell:
TCellContentType = (cctEmpty, cctFormula, cctNumber, cctUTF8String, cctDateTime, cctBool, cctError);
According to this field the corresponding data can be found in the fields
- FormulaValue (for ContentType=cctFormula),
- NumberValue (for ContentType=cctNumber), or
- UTF8StringValue (for ContentType=cctUTF8String), or
- DateTimeValue (for ContentType=cctDateTime), or
- BoolValue (for ContentType=cctBool), i.e. TRUE or FALSE, or
- ErrorValue (for ContentType=cctError).
Due to usage of a variant record most of these values are overlapping, i.e. modification of NumberValue affects also the other values. Therefore, always respect the ContentType when accessing the TCell record directly (the worksheet methods discussed below consider this automatically).

Adding values to a cell is most easily accompished by using one of the WriteXXXX methods of the worksheet. The most important ones are:
TsWorksheet = class
{ Writing of currency values }
function WriteCurrency(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfCurrency; ADecimals: Integer = 2;
ACurrencySymbol: String = '?'; APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1;
ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteCurrency(ACell: PCell; AValue: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfCurrency; ADecimals: Integer = -1;
ACurrencySymbol: String = '?'; APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1;
ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1); overload;
function WriteCurrency(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatString: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteCurrency(ACell: PCell; AValue: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatString: String); overload;
{ Writing of date/time values }
function WriteDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TDateTime): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTime(ACell: PCell; AValue: TDateTime); overload;
function WriteDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TDateTime;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatStr: String = ''): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTime(ACell: PCell; AValue: TDateTime;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatStr: String = ''); overload;
function WriteDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TDateTime;
ANumFormatStr: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTime(ACell: PCell; AValue: TDateTime;
ANumFormatStr: String); overload;
{ Writing of number values }
function WriteNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumber: double): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumber(ACell: PCell; ANumber: Double); overload;
function WriteNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumber: double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ADecimals: Byte = 2): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumber(ACell: PCell; ANumber: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ADecimals: Byte = 2); overload;
function WriteNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumber: double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatString: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumber(ACell: PCell; ANumber: Double;
ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat; ANumFormatString: String); overload;
{ Writing of string values }
function WriteText(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AText: ansistring;
ARichTextParams: TsRichTextParams = nil): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteText(ACell: PCell; AText: String;
ARichTextparams: TsRichTextParams = nil); overload;
// the old string methods "WriteUTF8Text" are deprecated now
Some of these methods exist in overloaded versions in which cell formatting parameters can be added together with the cell value. Correspondingly to writing, there is also a number of worksheet methods for reading the cell values:
TsWorksheet = class
{ Reading cell content as a string }
function ReadAsText(ARow, ACol: Cardinal): string; overload;
function ReadAsText(ACell: PCell): string; overload;
function ReadAsText(ACell: PCell; AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload;
{ Reading cell content as a number }
function ReadAsNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal): Double; overload;
function ReadAsNumber(ACell: PCell): Double; overload;
function ReadNumericValue(ACell: PCell; out AValue: Double): Boolean;
{ Reading cell content as a date/time value }
function ReadAsDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; out AResult: TDateTime): Boolean; overload;
function ReadAsDateTime(ACell: PCell; out AResult: TDateTime): Boolean; overload;
FormatIndex is the index of the cell format record. It describes the formatting attributes of a cell. These records are collected by an internal list of the workbook and are defined like this:
TsCellFormat = record
FontIndex: Integer;
TextRotation: TsTextRotation;
HorAlignment: TsHorAlignment;
VertAlignment: TsVertAlignment;
Border: TsCellBorders;
BorderStyles: TsCellBorderStyles;
Background: TsFillPattern;
NumberFormat: TsNumberFormat;
NumberFormatStr: String;
UsedFormattingFields: TsUsedFormattingFields;
//uffTextRotation, uffFont, uffBold, uffBorder, uffBackground, uffNumberFormat, uffWordWrap, uffHorAlign, uffVertAlign
- FontIndex: text font by specifying the index in the workbook's font list
- TextRotation: specifies whether the cell text is written horizontally or vertically
- HorAlignment: left-aligned, horizontally centered, or right-aligned text
- VertAlignment: top, bottom or vertically centered text
- Border: a set of flags indicating that - if set - a border line is drawn at the left, top, right, or bottom cell edge. The lines are drawn according to the BorderStyles which define the linestyle and color of the border.
- Background: a record defining the background fill of a cell (pattern style, pattern color, and background color - see chapter on cell background below).
- NumberFormat and NumberFormatStr specify how number or date/time values are formatted (e.g., number of decimal places, long or short date format, etc.).
- Only those format attributes for which a flag is set in the UsedFormattingFields are considered when formatting a cell. If a flag is not included then the corresponding attribute is ignored and replaced by its default value.
For specifying a format for a given cell call the corresponding the worksheet method WriteXXXX, for retrieving a format call ReadXXXX. These methods usually get a pointer to the cell as a parameter, but there are also overloaded versions which accept the row and column index. Moreover, formatting styles can also be applied directly to the cell by using a record helper implemented in unit fpsCell.
See cell formatting below for a more detailed description.
Columns and rows
Column and row records are added for each column and row having a non-default size:
TCol = record
Col: Cardinal;
Width: Single;
PCol = ^TCol;
TRow = record
Row: Cardinal;
Height: Single;
PRow = ^TRow;
Column widths and row heights can be specified in a variety of units defined by the type TsSizeUnits = (suChars, suLines, suMillimeters, suCentimeters, suPoints, suInches). suChars refers to the count of 0 characters fitting into the column width - this is the way how Excel defines column widths. suLines is the number of lines fitting into the row height. Both units are based on the character size of the workbook's default font. The other units are conventional physical length units (1 cm = 10 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm = 72 pt). Fractional values are accepted. The workbook and worksheets store lengths internally in millimeters (MyWorkbook.Units).
The Office applications usually adjust the row heights automatically according to the font or text rotation of the cell content, and empty rows have a predefined default row height. In order to overrun this and to set a predefined row height use the worksheet method WriteRowHeight. In the same way the width of columns can be set to a specific value by calling WriteColWidth. The height/width of a particular row/column can be retrieved by means of the methods GetRowHeight or GetColHeight. Note that these methods return the default row heights/column widths if there are no TRow/TCol records.
type TsWorksheet = class
{ Set row height }
procedure WriteRowHeight(ARowIndex: Cardinal; AHeight: Single; AUnits: TsSizeUnits);
{ Set column width }
procedure WriteColWidth(AColIndex: Cardinal; AWidth: Single; AUnits: TsSizeUnits);
{ Set default row height }
procedure WriteDefaultRowHeight(AHeight: Single; AUnits: TsSizeUnits);
{Set default cokumn width }
procedure WriteDefaultColWidth(AWidth: Single; AUnits: TsSizeUnits);
{ Return row height }
function GetRowHeight(ARowIndex: Cardinal; AUnits: TsSizeUnits): Single;
{ Return column width }
function GetColWidth(AColIndex: Cardinal; AUnits: TsSizeUnits): Single;
{ Return default row height }
function ReadDefaultRowHeight(AUnits: TsSizeUnits): Single;
{ Return default column width }
function ReadDefaultColWidth(AUnits: TsSizeUnits): Single;
property DefaultRowHeight: Single;
property DefaultColWidht: Single;
There are also overloaded versions of these methods which do not require the AUnits parameter. In this case, row heights are defined in terms of line count, and column widthts are defined in terms of character count. Note that these variants are from previos versions and are deprecated now.
The default row height and default column width is used unless a specific value is assigned to individual rows or columns. The property DefaultRowHeight expects the value to be in line count, and DefaultColWidth expects it to be in "0" character count. Other size units can be applied if using the corresponding WriteXXXX and ReadXXXX methods.
Two kinds of formulas are supported by FPSpreadsheet:
- String formulas: These are written in strings just like in the office applications, for example "=ROUND(A1+B1,0)". They are used internally in the files of Open/LibreOffice and Excel .xlsx.
- RPN formulas are used internally by the binary .xls Excel files. They are written in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), for example: A1, B1, Add, 0, ROUND.
The current trunk version of FPSpreadsheet can convert between string and rpn formulas. Formulas in both types can be calculated. The cell record stores the string formula in the field FormulaValue. If a spreadsheet containing formulas is to be saved in a binary Excel format, the RPN formulas required are generated automatically.
FPSpreadsheet supports the majority of the formulas provided by the common spreadsheet applications. However, when reading a file created by these applications, there is always a chance that an unsupported formula is contained. To avoid crashing of fpspreadsheet, reading of formulas is disabled by default; the cell displays only the result of the formula written by the Office application. To activate reading of formulas add the element boReadformulas to the workbook's Options before opening the file.
Calculation of formulas is normally not needed when a file is written by FPSpreadsheet for opening in an Office application because that automatically calculates the formula results. If the same file, however, is openend by an application based on FPSpreadsheet the calculated cells would be empty because the formulas are not automatically calculated by default. To activate calculation of formulas before writing a spreadsheet to file you have to add the option boCalcBeforeSaving to the workbook's Options.
If FPSpreadshet is used in an interactive application (such as the spready demo found in the examples folder of the FPSpreadsheet installation) it is desirable to calculate formulas automatically whenever formula strings or cell values are changed by the user. This can be achieved by the option boAutoCalc in the workbook's Options.
The most general setting regarding formulas, therefore, is
MyWorkbook.Options := MyWorkbook.Options + [boReadFormulas, boCalcBeforeSaving, boAutoCalc];
String formulas
String formulas are written in the same way as in the Office applications. The worksheet method for creating a string formula is WriteFormula:
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyWorksheet.WriteFormula(0, 1, '=ROUND(A1+B2+1.215,0)');
// By default, use dot as decimal and comma as list separator!
A few notes on syntax:
- The leading = character which identifies formulas in the Office applications is not absolutely necessary here and can be dropped. The formula is stored in the cell record without it.
- The case of the formula name is ignored.
- Spaces can be added for better readability, but they will be lost when saving.
- Strings must be enclosed in double quotes.
- Normally, floating point numbers must be entered with a dot as decimal separator, and a comma must be used to separate function arguments.
- Setting the optional parameter ALocalized of the worksheet methods WriteFormula to TRUE, however, allows to use localized decimal and list separators taken from the workbook's FormatSettings - see spready demo.
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyWorksheet.WriteFormula(0, 1, '=ROUND(A1+B2+1,215;0)', true);
// Because of the "true" the formula parser accepts the comma as decimal and the
// semicolon as list separator if the workbook's FormatSettings are set up like this.
RPN formulas
At application level, string formulas are mainly used, and RPN formulas are of little practical importance. Therefore, documentation of RPN formulas has been removed from this main FPSpreadsheet wiki and can be found in the article "RPN Formulas in FPSpreadsheet".
- Shared formulas are only supported for reading (from Excel files).
- Array formulas are not supported, currently.
List of built-in formulas
FPSpreadsheet supports more than 80 built-in formulas. In order not to blow up this wiki page too much documentation of these formulas has been moved to the separate document "List of formulas".
To learn more about the functions available, look at file testcases_calcrpnformula.inc in the tests folder of the FPSpreadsheet installation where every function is included with at least one sample.
Extending FPSpreadsheet by user-defined formulas
Although the built-in formulas cover most of the applications there may be a need to access a formula which is available in the Office application, but not in FPSpreadsheet. For this reason, the library supports a registration mechanism which allows to add user-defined functions to the spreadsheets. This can be done by calling the procedure RegisterFunction from the unit fpsExprParser:
procedure RegisterFunction(const AName: ShortString; const AResultType: Char;
const AParamTypes: String; const AExcelCode: Integer; ACallBack: TsExprFunctionCallBack); overload;
procedure RegisterFunction(const AName: ShortString; const AResultType: Char;
const AParamTypes: String; const AExcelCode: Integer; ACallBack: TsExprEventCallBack); overload;
- AName specifies the name under which the function will be called in the spreadsheet. It must match the name of the formula in the Office application.
- AResultType is a character which identifies the data type of the function result:
- 'F' - floating point number
- 'I' - integer
- 'D' - date/time
- 'B' - boolean
- 'S' - string
- AParamTypes is a string in which each character identifies the data type of the corresponding argument. In addition to the list shown above the following symbols can be used:
- '?' - any type
- '+' - must be the last character. It means that the preceding character is repeated indefinitely. This allows for an arbitrary argument count. Please note, however, that Excel supports only up to 30 arguments.
- lowercase 'f', 'i', 'd', 'b', 's' indicate optional parameters of the type explained above. Of course, uppercase symbols cannot follow lower-case symbols.
- AExcelCode is the identifier of the function in xls files. See "OpenOffice Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format", section 3.11, for a list.
- ACallback identifies which function is called by FPSpreadsheet for calculation of the formula. It can either be a procedure or an event handler.
TsExprFunctionCallBack = procedure (var Result: TsExpressionResult; const Args: TsExprParameterArray);
TsExprFunctionEvent = procedure (var Result: TsExpressionResult; const Args: TsExprParameterArray) of object;
The TsExpressionResult is a variant record containing result or argument data of several types:
TsResultType = (rtEmpty, rtBoolean, rtInteger, rtFloat, rtDateTime, rtString,
rtCell, rtCellRange, rtError, rtAny);
TsExpressionResult = record
Worksheet : TsWorksheet;
ResString : String;
case ResultType : TsResultType of
rtEmpty : ();
rtError : (ResError : TsErrorValue);
rtBoolean : (ResBoolean : Boolean);
rtInteger : (ResInteger : Int64);
rtFloat : (ResFloat : TsExprFloat);
rtDateTime : (ResDateTime : TDatetime);
rtCell : (ResRow, ResCol : Cardinal);
rtCellRange : (ResCellRange : TsCellRange);
rtString : ();
TsExprParameterArray = array of TsExpressionResult;
As an example we show here the code for the CONCATENATE() formula which joins two or more strings:
procedure fpsCONCATENATE(var Result: TsExpressionResult; const Args: TsExprParameterArray);
// CONCATENATE( text1, text2, ... text_n )
s: String;
i: Integer;
s := '';
for i:=0 to Length(Args)-1 do
if Args[i].ResultType = rtError then
Result := ErrorResult(Args[i].ResError);
s := s + ArgToString(Args[i]);
// "ArgToString" simplifies getting the string from a TsExpressionResult as
// a string may be contained in the ResString and in the ResCell fields.
// There is such a function for each basic data type.
Result := StringResult(s);
// "StringResult" stores the string s in the ResString field of the
// TsExpressionResult and sets the ResultType to rtString.
// There is such a function for each basic data type.
There is a worked-out example (demo_formula_func.pas) in the folder examples/other of the FPSpreadsheet installation. In this demo, four financial functions (FV(), PV(), PMT(), RATE()) are added to FPSpreadsheet.
Cell formatting
Number and date/time formats
Numbers and date/time values can be displayed in a variety of formats. In FPSpreadsheet this can be achieved in two ways:
- using built-in number formats by specifiying a value for the NumberFormat of the cell
- using a custom format string.
Number formats can be specified by these worksheet methods:
TsWorksheet = class
// Set number formats alone
function WriteNumberFormat(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumberFormat: TsNumberFormat;
const AFormatString: String = ''): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumberFormat(ACell: PCell; ANumberFormat: TsNumberFormat;
const AFormatString: String = ''); overload;
function WriteNumberFormat(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat;
ADecimals: Integer; ACurrencySymbol: String = ''; APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1;
ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumberFormat(ACell: PCell; ANumFormat: TsNumberFormat;
ADecimals: Integer; ACurrencySymbol: String = '';
APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1; ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1); overload;
function WriteFractionFormat(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AMixedFraction: Boolean;
ANumeratorDigits, ADenominatorDigits: Integer): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteFractionFormat(ACell: PCell; AMixedFraction: Boolean;
ANumeratorDigits, ADenominatorDigits: Integer); overload;
// Set date/time formats alone
function WriteDateTimeFormat(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumberFormat: TsNumberFormat;
const AFormatString: String = ''): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTimeFormat(ACell: PCell; ANumberFormat: TsNumberFormat;
const AFormatString: String = ''); overload;
// Set cell values and number formats in one call
// number values
function WriteNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumber: double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfGeneral; ADecimals: Byte = 2;
ACurrencySymbol: String = ''): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumber(ACell: PCell; ANumber: Double; AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfGeneral;
ADecimals: Byte = 2; ACurrencySymbol: String = ''); overload;
function WriteNumber(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ANumber: double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat; AFormatString: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteNumber(ACell: PCell; ANumber: Double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat; AFormatString: String); overload;
// date/time values
function WriteDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TDateTime;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfShortDateTime; AFormatStr: String = ''): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTime(ACell: PCell; AValue: TDateTime;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfShortDateTime; AFormatStr: String = ''); overload;
function WriteDateTime(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TDateTime;
AFormatStr: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteDateTime(ACell: PCell; AValue: TDateTime;
AFormatStr: String); overload;
// currency values
function WriteCurrency(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: Double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfCurrency; ADecimals: Integer = 2;
ACurrencySymbol: String = '?'; APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1;
ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteCurrency(ACell: PCell; AValue: Double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat = nfCurrency; ADecimals: Integer = -1;
ACurrencySymbol: String = '?'; APosCurrFormat: Integer = -1;
ANegCurrFormat: Integer = -1); overload;
function WriteCurrency(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: Double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat; AFormatString: String): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteCurrency(ACell: PCell; AValue: Double;
AFormat: TsNumberFormat; AFormatString: String); overload;
Built-in number formats
Los formatos internos están definidos por la enumeración TsNumberFormat. A pesar de su nombre, los elementos cubren tanto valores de número como la fecha/hora:
TsNumberFormat = (
// De propósito general para todos los números.
// numbers
nfFixed, nfFixedTh, nfExp, nfPercentage, nfFraction,
// currency
nfCurrency, nfCurrencyRed,
// dates and times
nfShortDateTime, nfShortDate, nfLongDate, nfShortTime, nfLongTime,
nfShortTimeAM, nfLongTimeAM, nfDayMonth, nfMonthYear, nfTimeInterval,
// other (using format string)
- nfGeneral corresponde al formato por defecto mostrando tantos decimales como es posible (el número 3.141592654 would be unchanged.)
- nfFixed limita los decimales. El número de posiciones decimales se tiene que especificar en la llamada a WriteNumber. Example: with 2 decimals, the number 3.141592654 becomes 3.14.
- nfFixedTh: similar a nfFixed, pero añade un separador de miles cuando el número se muestra como una cadena: The number 3.141592654 would remain like in the previous example because it is too small to show thousand separators. But the number 314159.2654 would become 314,159.26, for 2 decimals.
- nfExp selects exponential presentation, i.e. splits off the exponent. The parameter ADecimals in WriteNumber determines how many decimal places are used. (The number 3.141592654 becomes 3.14E+00 in case of two decimals).
- nfPercentage displays the number as a percentage. This means that the value is multiplied by 100, and a percent sign is added. Again, specify in ADecimals how many decimal places are to be shown. (The number 3.141592654 is displayed as 314.92%, in case of 2 decimals).
- nfFraction presents a number as a fraction. Details (mixed fraction?, maximum digit count for numerator or denominator) for can be specified in the worksheet method WriteFractionFormat.
- nfCurrency displays the number together with a currency symbol, and there are special rules how to display negative values (in brackets, or minus sign before or after the number). The FormatSettings of the workbook are used to define the currency sign and the way numbers are displayed (FormatSettings.CurrencyString for the currency symbol, FormatSettings.CurrencyFormat for positive, FormatSettings.NegCurrFormat for negative values). These settings can be overridden by specifying them in the call to WriteCurrency directly.
- nfCurrendyRed like nfCurrency, in addition negative values are displayed in red.
- nfShortDateTime presents the DateTimeValue of the cell in "short date/time format", i.e. days + two digit months + two digit year + hours + minutes, no seconds. The order of the date parts is taken from the workbook's FormatSettings. This applies also to the other date/time formats.
- nfShortDate creates a date string showing day + two-digit month + two-digit year
- nfShortTime creates a time string showing hours + minutes.
- nfLongTime, similar, but includes seconds as well
- nfShortTimeAM, similar to nfShortTime, but uses the AM/PM time format, i.e. hours go up to 12, and AM or PM is added to specify morning or evening/afternoon.
- nfLongTimeAM, like nfShortTimeAM, but includes seconds
- nfTimeInterval, like nfLongTime, but there can be more than 24 hours. The interval can also be expressed in minutes or seconds, if the format strings [n]:ss, or [s], respectively, are used.
- nfCustom allows to specify a dedicated formatting string.
As already noted the workbook has a property FormatSettings which provides additional information to control the resulting formatting. This is essentially a copy of the DefaultFormatSettings declared in the sysutils unit (the elements LongDateFormat and ShortDateFormat are slightly modified to better match the default settings in the main spreadsheet applications). The main purpose of the FormatSettings is to add a simple way of localization to the number formats.
Number format strings
In addition to these pre-defined formats, more specialized formatting can be achieved by using the format constant nfCustom along with a dedicated format string. The format string is constructed according to Excel syntax which is close to the syntax of fpc's FormatFloat and FormatDateTime commands (accepted as well, see the online-help for these functions).
Here is a basic list of the symbols used:
Symbol | Meaning | Format string: Number --> Output string |
General | Displays all decimal places of the number | 'General': 1.2345678 --> '1.2345678' |
0 | Displays insignificant zeros if a number has less digits than there are zeros in the format. If used for decimal places then the number is rounded to as many decimal places as 0s are found. | '000': 1 --> '001' '0.0': 1 --> '1.0' '0.0': 1.2345678 --> '1.2' |
* | Like "0" above, but does not display insignificant zeros. | '0.*': 1 --> '1.' '0.*': 1.2345678 --> '1.2' |
? | Like "0" above, but insignificant zeros are replaced by space characters. Good for aligning decimal points and fractions |
'??0': 1 --> ' 1' |
. | Decimal separator; will be replaced by the value used in the DecimalSeparator of the workbook's FormatSettings | '0.00': 8.9 --> '8.90' |
, | Thousand separator; will be replaced by the value used in the ThousandSeparator of the workbook's FormatSettings. If at the end of a number formatting sequence the displayed value is divided by 1000. | '#,##0.00': 1200 --> '1,200.00' '0.00,': 1200 --> '1.20' |
E+, e+ | Displays a number in exponential format. The digits used for the exponent are defined by the number of zeros added the this symbol. The sign of the exponent is shown for positive and negative exponents. | '0.00E+00': 1200 --> 1.20E+03 |
E-, e- | Displays a number in exponential format. The digits used for the exponent are defined by the number of zeros added the this symbol. The sign of the exponent is shown only for negative exponents. | '0.00e-000': 1200 --> 1.20e003 |
% | Displays the number as a "percentage", i.e. the number is multiplied by 100 and a % sign is added. | '0.0%': 0.75 --> 75.0% |
/ | This symbol has two meanings: if the cell represents a "number" then the slash indicates formatting as fraction, place holders for numerator and denominator must follow. If the cell represents a "date/time" then the slash indicates the date separator which will be replaced by the DateSeparator of the workbook's FormatSettings | '#/#': 1.5 --> '3/2' '# #/#': 1.5 --> '1 1/2' '# #/16': 1.5 --> '1 8/16' also: see date/time examples below |
: | Separator between hours, minutes and seconds of a date/time value. Will be replaced by the TimeSeparator of the workbook's FormatSettings. | see examples below |
yyyy | Place holder for the year of a date/time value. The year is displayed as a four-digit number. | 'yyyy/mm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-01-03' In this example, the DateSeparator is a dash character (-). |
yy | Place holder for the year of a date/time value. The year is displayed as a two-digit number. | 'yy/mm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '12-01-03' |
m | Place holder for the month of a date/time value. The month is shown as a number without extra digits. Please note that the m code can also be interpreted as the "minutes" of a time value (see below). |
'yyyy/m/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-1-03' |
mm | Place holder for the month of a date/time value. The month is shown as a two-digit number, i.e. a leading zero is added for January to September. Please note that the mm code can also be interpreted as the "minutes" of a time value (see below). |
'yyyy/mm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-01-03' |
mmm | Place holder for the month of a date/time value. The month is displayed by its abbreviated name. | 'yyyy/mmm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-Jan-03' |
mmmm | Place holder for the month of a date/time value. The month is displayed by its full name. |
'yyyy/mmm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-January-03' |
d | Place holder for the day of a date/time value to be displayed as a number. The day is displayed as a simple number, without adding a leading zero. | 'yyyy/mm/d': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-01-3' |
dd | Place holder for the day of a date/time value to be displayed as a number. dd adds a leading zero to single-digit day numbers. | 'yyyy/mm/dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012-01-03' |
ddd | Place holder for the day of a date/time value. The day is displayed as its abbreviated name. | 'dddd, yyyy/mm/ddd': Jan 03, 2012 --> 'Tue 2012-01-03' |
dddd | Place holder for the day of a date/time value. The day is displayed as its full name. | 'dddd, yyyy/mmmm/dd': Jan 03, 2012 --> 'Tuesday 2012-01-03' |
h | Place holder of the hour part of a date/time value. The hour is displayed as a simple number, without adding a leading zero. | 'h:mm': 0.25 --> '6:00' |
hh | Place holder of the hour part of a date/time value. The hour is displayed with a leading zero if the hour is less than 10. | 'hh:mm': 0.25 --> '06:00' |
[hh], or [h] | Displays elapsed time such that the hour part can become greater than 23 | '[h]:mm': 1.25 --> '30:00' |
m | Place holder of the minutes part of a date/time value. The minutes are shown as a simple number without adding a leading zero. Note that if the m codes are surrounded by date symbols (y, d) then they are interpreted as "month". | 'h:m': 0.25 --> '6:0' |
mm | Place holder of the minutes part of a date/time value. Single-digit minutes are displayed with a leading zero. Note that if the mm code is surrounded by date symbols (y, d) then it is interpreted as "month". | 'h:mm': 0.25 --> '6:00' |
[mm], or [m] | Displays elapsed time such that the minute part can become greater than 59 | '[mm]:ss': 1.25 --> '1800:00' |
s | Place holder of the seconds part of a date/time value. The seconds are displayed as a simple number, without adding a leading zero. | 'hh:mm:s': 0.25 --> '06:00:0' |
ss | Place holder of the seconds part of a date/time value. Single-digit seconds are displayed with a leading zero. | 'hh:mm:ss': 0.25 --> '06:00:00' |
[ss], or [s] | Displays elapsed time such that the seconds part can become greater than 59 | '[ss]': 1.25 --> '108000' |
AM/PM, am/pm, A/P, or a/p | Displays the time in the 12-hour format. | 'hh:mm:ss AM/PM': 0.25 --> '6:00:00 AM' |
" | The text enclosed by quotation marks is inserted into the formatted strings literally. | 'yyyy"/"mm"/"dd': Jan 3, 2012 --> '2012/01/03' (i.e. the / is not replaced by the DateSeparator of the workbook). |
\ | The next character of the format string appears in the result string literally. The \ itself does not show up. |
'yyyy\/mm\/dd': |
; | A format string can contain up to three sections separated by the semicolon. The first section is used for positive numbers, the second section for negative numbers, and the third section for zero numbers. If the third section is missing then a zero value is formatted as specified in the first section. If the second section is missing as well then all values are formatted according to the first section. | '"#,##0"$"';-#,##0"$";"-"': 1200 --> '1,200$' -1200 --> '1,200$' 0 --> '-' |
(, and ) | Sometimes used for currency values to indicate negative numbers, instead of minus sign | '#,##0"$";(#,##0)"$"': -1200 --> '(1200)$' |
[red] | The formatted string is displayed in the specified color. Instead of [red], you can use accordingly [black], [white], [green], [blue], [magenta], [yellow], or [cyan]. Often used to highlight negative currency values. | '"$" #,##0.00;[red]("$" #,##0.00)': -1200 --> '($ 1200.00)' |
FPSpreadsheet soporta colores de texto, fondo de celda y bordes de celda. En la unit fpstypes se declaran los colores EGA básicos como constantes.
TsColor = DWORD; // ts = text style color
scBlack = $00000000; // Negro
scWhite = $00FFFFFF; // Blanco
scRed = $000000FF; // Rojo
scGreen = $0000FF00; // Verde
scBlue = $00FF0000; // Azul
scYellow = $0000FFFF; // Amarillo
scMagenta = $00FF00FF; // Magenta
scCyan = $00FFFF00; // Cian
scDarkRed = $00000080; // Rojo oscuro
scDarkGreen = $00008000; // Verde oscuro
scDarkBlue = $00800000; // Azul oscuro
scOlive = $00008080; // Oliva
scPurple = $00800080; // Púrpura
scTeal = $00808000; // Verde azulado
scSilver = $00C0C0C0; // Plateado
scGray = $00808080; // Gris
scGrey = scGray; // redefine to allow different spelling
// Identificador para color no definido
scNotDefined = $40000000;
// Identifier for transparent color
scTransparent = $20000000;
El TsColor representa el valor rgb (red,green,blue) de un color, un solo byte utilizado para el rojo (red), otro para el verde (green), y otro para el azul(blue). El número resultante tiene notación little endian, i.e. el valor rojo va primero en memoria: $00BBGGRR. (Esto es directamente compatible con los valores de color tales como están definidos en la unit graphics).
The high order byte is usually zero but is used internally to identify special color values, such as for undefined or transparent colors.

Unit fpsutils contains some useful functions for modification of colors:
- function GetColorName(AColor: TsColor): String;
returns the name of the colors defined above, or a string showing the rgb components for other colors. - function HighContrastColor(AColor: TsColor): TsColor;
returns scBlack for a "bright", scWhite for a "dark" input color. - function TintedColor(AColor: TsColor; tint: Double): TsColor;
brightens or darkens a color by applying a factor tint = -1..+1, where -1 means "100% darken", +1 means "100% brighten", and 0 means "no change". The hue of the color is preserved.
Cell background
The cell background can be filled by predefined patterns which are identified by the record TsFillPattern:
TsFillPattern = record
Style: TsFillStyle; // fill style pattern as defined below
FgColor: TsColor; // forground color of the fill pattern
BgColor: TsColor; // background color of the fill pattern
TsFillStyle = (fsNoFill, fsSolidFill, fsGray75, fsGray50, fsGray25, fsGray12, fsGray6,
fsStripeHor, fsStripeVert, fsStripeDiagUp, fsStripeDiagDown,
fsThinStripeHor, fsThinStripeVert, fsThinStripeDiagUp, fsThinStripeDiagDown,
fsHatchDiag, fsThinHatchDiag, fsThickHatchDiag, fsThinHatchHor);
- Use the worksheet method WriteBackground to assign a fill pattern to a specific cell. Besides the cell address, this method requires the type of the fill pattern (TsFillStyle), and the foreground and background colors as specified by their TsColor values.
- The fill pattern of a particular cell can be retrieved by calling the workbook method ReadBackground.
- The simplified method WriteBackgroundColor can be used to achieve a uniform background color.
- Limitations:
- OpenDocument files support only uniform fills. The background color is a mixture of the foreground and background rgb components in a ratio defined by the fill pattern.
- BIFF2 files support only a 12.5% black-and-white shaded pattern.
TsWorksheet = class
function WriteBackground(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AStyle: TsFillStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TsColor): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBackground(ACell: PCell; AStyle: TsFillStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TsColor); overload;
function WriteBackgroundColor(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AColor: TsColor): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBackgroundColor(ACell: PCell; AColor: TsColor); overload;
function ReadBackground(ACell: PCell): TsFillPattern;
function ReadBackgroundColor(ACell: PCell): TsColor; overload;
// ...
cell: PCell;
// Example 1: Assign a pattern of thin, horizontal, yellow stripes on a blue background to empty cell A1 (row 0, column 0)
MyWorksheet.WriteBackground(0, 0, fsThinStripeHor, scYellow, scBlue);
// Example 2: Uniform gray background color of cell B1 (row 0, column 1) containing the number 3.14
cell := MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 1, 3.14);
MyWorksheet.WriteBackgroundColor(cell, clSilver);
Cell borders
Cells can be emphasized by drawing border lines along their edges or diagonal lines. There are four borders plus two diagonals enumerated in the data type TsCellBorder:
TsCellBorder = (cbNorth, cbWest, cbEast, cbSouth, dbDiagUp, dbDiagDown);
TsCellBorders = set of TsCellBorder;
In order to show a border line add the corresponding border to the cell's set Borders (type TsCellBorders, see above). In this way, each cell edge can be handled separately. Use the worksheet method WriteBorders for this purpose. This example adds top and bottom borders to the edges A1 and B1:
MyWorksheet.WriteBorders(0, 0, [cbNorth, cbSouth]); // A1: row 0, column 0
MyWorksheet.WriteBorders(0, 1, [cbNorth, cbSourth]); // B1: row 0, column 1
Lines usually are drawn as thin, solid, black lines. But it is possible to modify line style and color of each line. For this purpose, the cell provides an array of TsCellBorderStyle records:
TsLineStyle = (lsThin, lsMedium, lsDashed, lsDotted, lsThick, lsDouble, lsHair,
lsMediumDash, lsDashDot, lsMediumDashDot, lsDashDotDot, lsMediumDashDotDot, lsSlantDashDot);
TsCellBorderStyle = record
LineStyle: TsLineStyle;
Color: TsColor;
TsCellBorderStyles = array[TsCellBorder] of TsCellBorderStyle;
TsWorksheet = class
function WriteBorderStyle(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ABorder: TsCellBorder; AStyle: TsCellBorderStyle): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBorderStyle(ACell: PCell; ABorder: TsCellBorder; AStyle: TsCellBorderStyle); overload;
function WriteBorderStyle(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ABorder: TsCellBorder; ALineStyle: TsLineStyle; AColor: TsColor): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBorderStyle(ACell: PCell; ABorder: TsCellBorder; ALineStyle: TsLineStyle; AColor: TsColor); overload;
function WriteBorderColor(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ABorder: TsCellBorder; AColor: TsColor): PCell; overload;
proceure WriteBorderColor(ACell: PCell; ABorder: TsCellBorder; AColor: TsColor): PCell; overload;
function WriteBorderLineStyle(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ABorder: TsCellBorder; ALineStyle: TsLineStyle): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBorderLineStyle(ACell: PCell; ABorder: TsCellBorder; ALineStyle: TsLineStyle): PCell; overload;
function WriteBorderStyles(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; const AStyles: TsCellBorderStyles): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteBorderStyles(ACell: PCell; const AStyles: TsCellBorderStyles); overload;
function WriteBorders(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ABorders: TsCellBorders): PCell; overload
procedure WriteBorders(ACell: PCell; ABorders: TsCellBorders); overload
function ReadCellBorders(ACell: PCell): TsCellBorders;
function ReadCellBorderStyle(ACell: PCell; ABorder: TsCellBorder): TsCellBorderStyle;
function ReadCellBorderStyles(ACell: PCell): TsCellBorderStyles;
The style of a given cell border can be specified by the following methods provided by the worksheet:
- WriteBorderStyle assigns a cell border style record to one border of the cell. There are two overloaded versions of this method: one takes an entire TsCellBorderStyle record, the other one takes the individual record elements.
- WriteBorderColor changes the color of a given border without affecting the line style of this border.
- WriteBorderLineStyle sets the line style of the border only, but leaves the color unchanged.
- WriteBorderStyles sets the border style of all borders of a given cell at once. Useful for copying border styles from one cell to other cells.
This example adds a thin black border to the top, and a thick blue border to the bottom of cells A1 and B1:
cellA1, cellB1: PCell;
cellA1 := MyWorksheet.WriteBorders(0, 0, [cbNorth, cbSouth]); // cell A1: row 0, column 0
MyWorksheet.WriteBorderStyle(cellA1, cbNorth, lsThin, scBlack);
MyWorksheet.WriteBorderStyle(cellA1, cbSouth, lsThick, scBlue);
cellB1 := MyWorksheet.WriteBorders(0, 1, [cbNorth, cbSouth]); // cell B1: row 0, column 1
MyWorksheet.WriteBorderStyles(cellB1, cellA1^.BorderStyles); // copy all border styles from cell A1 to B1

The cell text can displayed in various fonts. For this purpose, the workbook provides a list of TsFont items:
TsFont = class
FontName: String;
Size: Single;
Style: TsFontStyles;
Color: TsColor;
Position: TsFontPosition;
- The FontName corresponds to the name of the font as used by the operational system. In Windows, an example would be "Times New Roman".
- The FontSize is given in "points", i.e. units 1/72 inch which are commonly used in Office applications.
- The FontStyle is a set of the items fssBold, fssItalic, fssStrikeout, and fssUnderline which form the enumeration type TsFontStyle. The "normal" font corresponds to an empty set.
- The Color determines the foreground color of the text characters given in rgb presentation as discussed above.
- The Position is either fpNormal, fpSuperscript, or fpSubscript and indicates whether the font size should be decreased by about 1/3 and the characters should be displaced up (superscript) or down (subscript).
Every cell is provided with an index into the font list.
In order to assign a particular font to a cell, use one of the following methods of TsSpreadsheet:
TsSpreadsheet = class
function WriteFont(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; const AFontName: String;
AFontSize: Single; AFontStyle: TsFontStyles; AFontColor: TsColor): Integer; overload;
procedure WriteFont(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AFontIndex: Integer); overload;
function WriteFontColor(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AFontColor: TsColor): Integer;
function WriteFontSize(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ASize: Integer): Integer;
function WriteFontStyle(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AStyle: TsFontStyles): Integer;
// plus: overloaded versions accepting a pointer to a cell record instead of the row and column index as parameter
// ...
- WriteFont assigns a font to the cell. If the font does not yet exist in the font list a new entry is created. The function returns the index of the font in the font list. In addition, there is an overloaded version which only takes the font index as a parameter.
- WriteFontColor replaces the color of the font that is currently assigned to the cell by a new one. Again, a new font list item is created if the font with the new color does not yet exist. The function returns the index of the font in the list.
- WriteFontSize replaces the size of the currently used font of the cell.
- WriteFontStyle replaces the style (normal, bold, italic, etc.) of the currently used cell font.
The workbook's font list contains at least one item which is the default font for cells with unmodified fonts. By default, this is 10-point "Arial". Use the workbook method SetDefaultFont to assign a different font to the first list item.
The font at a given index of the font list can be looked up by calling the workbook function GetFont. The count of available fonts is returned by GetFontCount.
Here is an example which decreases the size of all 10-point "Arial" fonts to 9-point:
i: Integer;
font: TsFont;
for i := 0 to MyWorkbook.GetFontCount-1 do
font := MyWorkbook.GetFont(i);
if (font.FontName = 'Arial') and (font.Size = 10.0) then
font.Size := 9.0;
Rich-text formatting
In addition to using a specific font for each cell it is also possible to specify particular font attributes for individual characters or groups of characters in each cell text. Following the Excel notation, we call this feature Rich-text formatting (although is has nothing in common with the "rich-text" file format).
For this purpose, unit fpstypes declares the type TsRichTextParams which is an array of TsRichTextParam records:
TsRichTextParam = record
FontIndex: Integer;
FirstIndex: Integer;
TsRichTextParams = array of TsRichTextParam;
FontIndex refers to the index of the font in the workbook's FontList to be used for formatting of the characters beginning at the index FirstIndex. Being a string character index the FirstIndex is 1-based.
There are two ways to add "rich-text" formatting to a cell text:
- Embed corresponding HTML format codes into the cell text. This can be done using the method WriteTextAsHTML of the worksheet. In order to add the text "Area (m2)" to cell A1, pass the following HTML-coded string to this function
MyWorksheet.WriteTextAsHTML(0, 0, 'Area (m<sup>2</sup>');
- Alternatively, the standard text writing method, WriteText can be called with an additional parameter specifiying the rich-text formatting parameters to be used directly:
richTextParams: TsRichTextParams;
fnt: TsFont;
SetLength(rtp, 2);
fnt := MyWorksheet.ReadCellFont(0, 0);
richTextParams[0].FirstIndex := 8; // The superscript groups begins with "2" which is the (1-based) character #8 of the cell text.
richTextParams[0].FontIndex := MyWorkbook.AddFont(fnt.FontName, fnt.Size, fnt.Style, fnt.Color, fpSuperscript);
richTextParams[1].FirstIndex := 9; // Normal font again beginning with character #9.
richTextParams[1].FontIndex := MyWorksheet.ReadCellFontIndex(0, 0);
MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 0, 'Area (m2)', richTextParams);
Use the worksheet method DeleteRichTextParams to remove rich-text formatting from a previously formatted cell.

Text rotation
Usually text is displayed in the cells horizontally. However, it is also possible to rotate it by 90 degrees in clockwise or counterclockwise directions. In addition, there is also an option to stack horizontal characters vertically above each other.
If you need this feature use the worksheet method WriteTextRotation and specify the text direction by an element of the enumeration type TsTextRotation:
TsTextRotation = (trHorizontal, rt90DegreeClockwiseRotation,
rt90DegreeCounterClockwiseRotation, rtStacked);
TsWorksheet = class
function WriteTextRotation(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ARotation: TsTextRotation): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteTextRotation(ACell: PCell; ARotation: TsTextRotation); overload;
function ReadTextRotation(ACell: PCell): TsTextRotation;
// ...
// example for counter-clockwise rotated text in cell A1:
WriteTextRotation(0, 0, rt90DegreeCounterClockwizeRotation);
Warning: Finer degrees of rotation which may be supported by some spreadsheet file formats are ignored.
Text alignment
By default, cell texts are aligned to the left and bottom edges of the cell, except for numbers which are right-aligned. This behavior can be changed by using the worksheet methods WriteHorAlignment and WriteVertAlignment:
TsHorAlignment = (haDefault, haLeft, haCenter, haRight);
TsVertAlignment = (vaDefault, vaTop, vaCenter, vaBottom);
TsWorkbook = class
function WriteHorAlignment(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TsHorAlignment): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteHorAlignment(ACell: PCell; AValue: TsHorAlignment); overload;
function ReadHorAlignment(ACell: PCell): TsHorAlignment;
function WriteVertAlignment(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: TsVertAlignment): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteVertAlignment(ACell: PCell; AValue: TsVertAlignment); overload;
function ReadVertAlignment(ACell: PCell): TsVertAlignment;
// ...
// Example: Center the text in cell A1 both horizontally and vertically
MyWorkbook.WriteHorAlignment(0, 0, haCenter);
MyWorkbook.WriteVertAlignment(0, 0, vaCenter);
Word wrap
Text which is longer than the width of a cell can wrap into several lines by calling the method WriteWordwrap of the spreadsheet:
TsWorksheet = class
function WriteWordwrap(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: Boolean): PCell; overload;
procedure WriteWordwrap(ACell: PCell; AValue: Boolean); overload;
function ReadWordwrap(ACell: PCell): Boolean;
// Example: activate wordwrap in cell A1
MyWorksheet.WriteWordwrap(0, 0, true);
Merged cells
Like the Office applications, FPSpreadsheet supports also to feature of merging cells to a single large cell which is often used as a common header above simlar columns. Simply call MergeCells and pass a parameter to specify the cell range to be merged, either an Excel range string (such as A1:D5), or the first and last rows and columns:
// or: MyWorksheet.MergeCells(0, 0, 4, 3); // first row, first column, last row, last column
The content and format displayed for a merged range is taken from the upper left corner of the range, cell A1 in above example. This cell is called the MergeBase in the library. Except for this corner cell, there must not be any other cells in the range. If there are their contents and format will be hidden.
In order to break up a merged range back up into individual cells, use the command Unmerge and pass any cell that is within the merged range:
// or: MyWorksheet.UnmergeCells(0, 1); // row, column of any cell within the range
Merged cells can be read from/written to all file formats except for sfCSV, sfExcel2 and sfExcel5 which do not support this feature natively.
The information which cells are merged is stored in an internal list. Unlike in earlier versions it is no longer possible to access the MergeBase from the cell directly. Use the following functions to extract information on merged cells:
cell, base: PCell;
r1,c1,r2,c2: Cardinal;
cell := MyWorksheet.FindCell('B1');
if MyWorksheet.IsMerged(cell) then
WriteLn('Cell B1 is merged.');
MyWorksheet.FindMergedRange(cell, r1, c1, r2, c2);
WriteLn('The merged range is ' + GetCellRangeString(r1, c1, r2, c2));
base := MyWorksheet.FindMergeBase(cell);
WriteLn('The merge base is cell ' + GetCellString(base^.Row, base^.Col));
Additional data
Cell comments
Comments can be attached to any cell by calling
MyWorksheet.WriteComment(0, 0, 'This is a comment for cell A1');
They are stored in an internal list of the worksheet. Use the corresponding worksheet methods to access comments:
- If you want to know whether a particular cell contains a comment call the worksheet method HasComment(cell).
- For retrieving a cell comment use the method ReadComment(cell), or its overloaded companion ReadComment(ARow, ACol).
- The total number of comments can be retrieved from worksheet.Comments.Count.
Hyperlinks can be attached to cells in order to link cells to other documents or other cells in the same workbook. The general syntax for creating hyperlinks is
procedure TWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(ARow, ACol: Cardinal; ATarget: String; ATooltip: String = '');
- The hyperlink target, passed as parameter ATarget, must be a fully qualified URI (Uniform resource identifier) consisting of a protocol phrase (e.g., http://, file:///, mailto:, etc.) followed by specific information such as web URL, filename, or e-mail address and an optional bookmark identification separated by the character '#'. An exception are internal hyperlinks which enable to jump to a cell in the current workbook; they consist of the optional worksheet name and the cell address separated by the character '!'.
- The optional Tooltip parameter is evaluated by Excel to display it in a hint window if the mouse if above the hyperlink.

// Open the web site www.google.com
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 0, 'Open google');
MyWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(0, 0, 'http://www.google.com');
// Open the local file with the absolute path "C:\readme.txt" (assuming Windows)
MyWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(1, 0, 'file:///c:\readme.txt');
// Open the mail client to send a mail
MyWorksheet.WriteText('Send mail');
MyWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(3, 0, 'mailto:somebody@gmail.com?subject=Test');
// Jump to a particular cell
MyWorksheet.WriteText(5, 0, 'Jump to cell A10 on sheet2');
MyWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(5, 0, '#Sheet2!A10');
// Jump to cell A10 on the current sheet and display a popup hint
MyWorksheet.WriteHyperlink(5, 0, '#A10', 'Go to cell A10');

FPSpreadsheet supports embedding of images in worksheets. Use one of the worksheet methods WriteImage() to add an image to the worksheet:
MyWorksheet.WriteImage(row, col, filename, offsetX, offsetY, scaleX, scaleY);
MyWorksheet.WriteImage(row, col, stream, offsetX, offsetY, scaleX, scaleY);
MyWorksheet.WriteImage(row, col, imageindex, offsetX, offsetY, scaleX, scaleY);
The upper/left corner of the image is placed at the upper/left corner of the cell in the specified row and column. The floating point parameters offsetX, offsetY, scaleX and scaleY are optional: they define an offset of this image anchor point from the cell corner and a magnification factor. The path to the image file is given as parameter filename. Alternatively, overloaded versions can be used which accept a stream in place of the file name or an image index in the workbook's EmbeddedObj list - use MyWorkbook.FindEmbeddedObj(filename) to get this index for a previously loaded image file.
Note that FPSpreadsheet needs to know the image type for successfull picture import. Currently, the types png, jpg, tiff, bmp, gif, svg, wmf, emf, and pcx are supported (Excel2007 cannot read imported svg and pcx images). Other formats can be registered by writing a function which determines the image size and pixel density, and by registering the new format using the procedure RegisterImageType - see unit fpsImages for examples:
TsImageType = integer;
TGetImageSizeFunc = function (AStream: TStream; out AWidth, AHeight: DWord; out dpiX, dpiY: Double): Boolean;
function RegisterImageType(AMimeType, AExtension: String; AGetImageSize: TGetImageSizeFunc): TsImageType;
Due to differences in row height and column width calculation between FPSpreadsheet and Office applications it is not possible to position images correctly. If exact image positions are important you should follow these rules:
- Predefine the widths of all columns at least up to the one containing the right edge of the image.
- Predefine the heights of all rows at least up to the one containing the lower edge of the image.
- If the workbook is to be saved in OpenDocument format add the image after changing column widths and row heights because ods anchors the image to the sheet, not to the cell (like Excel and FPSpreadsheet).
- If the exact size of the image is important make sure that it fits into a single cell.
Cells in a worksheet can be sorted for a variety of criteria by calling the Sort method of the worksheet. This method takes a TsSortParams record and the edges of the cell rectangle to be sorted as parameters; in an overloaded version, the cell rectangle can also be specified by means of an Excel-type range string (e.g. 'A1:G10'):
TsWorksheet = class
// ...
procedure Sort(const ASortParams: TsSortParams;
ARowFrom, AColFrom, ARowTo, AColTo: Cardinal); overload;
procedure Sort(ASortParams: TsSortParams; ARange: String); overload;
// ...
The sorting criteria are defined by a record of type TsSortParams:
TsSortParams = record
SortByCols: Boolean;
Priority: TsSortPriority; // spNumAlpha ("Numbers first"), or spAlphaNum ("Text first")
Keys: TsSortKeys;
TsSortKey = record
ColRowIndex: Integer;
Options: TsSortOptions; // set of [spDescending, spCaseInsensitive]
- The boolean value SortByCols determines wether sorting occurs along columns (true) or rows (false). The ColRowIndex specified in the sorting keys, accordingly, corresponds to a column or row index, respectively (see below).
- Priority determines in mixed content cell ranges whether an ascending sort puts numerical values in front of text values or not. Empty cells are always moved to the end of the sorted column or row. In Excel, the priority is "numbers first" (spNumAlpha).
- The array Keys specifies multiple sorting parameters. They consist of the index of the column or row to be sorted (ColRowIndex) and a set of Options for sorting direction (spoDescending) and character case (spCaseInsensitive). If Options is empty, cell comparison is case-sensitive, and cells are arranged in ascending order. If two cells are found to be "equal" on the basis of the first key (sortParams.Keys[0]) comparison proceeds with the next conditions in the Keys array until a difference is found or all conditions are used up.
InitSortParams is a handy utility to initialize the sorting parameters:
function InitSortParams(ASortByCols: Boolean = true; ANumSortKeys: Integer = 1;
ASortPriority: TsSortPriority = spNumAlpha): TsSortParams;
The next code fragment shows a typical sorting call:
sortParams: TsSortParams;
sortParams := InitSortParams(true, 2); // sorting along columns, 2 sorting keys
// primary sorting key: column 3, ascending, case-insensitive
sortParams.Keys[0].ColRowIndex := 3;
sortParams.Keys[0].Options := [ssoCaseInsensitive];
// secondary sorting key: colum 1, descending
sortParams.Keys[1].ColRowIndex := 1;
sortParams.Keys[1].Options := [ssoDescending];
// The sorted block extends between cells A1 (row=0, col=0) and F10 (row=9, col=5)
MyWorksheet.Sort(sortParams, 0, 0, 9, 5);
// or: MyWorksheet.Sort(sortParams, 'A1:F10');
Searching and replacing
Unit fpsSearch implements a search engine which can be used to look for specific cell content within a workbook, or to replace the found cell content by some other string.
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyRow, MyCol: Cardinal;
MySearchParams: TsSearchParams;
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
// Specify search criteria
MySearchParams.SearchText := 'Hallo';
MySearchParams.Options := [soEntireDocument];
// Create search engine and execute search
with TSearchEngine.Create(MyWorkbook) do begin
if FindFirst(MySearchParams, MyWorksheet, MyRow, MyCol) then begin
WriteLn('First "', MySearchparams.SearchText, '" found in cell ', GetCellString(MyRow, MyCol));
while FindNext(MySeachParams, MyWorksheet, myRow, MyCol) do
WriteLn('Next "', MySearchParams.SearchText, '" found in cell ', GetCellString(MyRow, MyCol));
The search engine provides two methods for searching: FindFirst and FindNext. They are very similar, they only differ in where the search begins. In case of FindFirst, the starting cell is determined from the Options described below. In case of FindNext the search begins at the cell adjacent to the previously found cell. Both methods return the worksheet and row and column indexes of the cell in which the search text is found. If the search is not successful then the function result is FALSE.
The record TsSearchParams specifies the criteria used for searching:
TsSearchParams = record
SearchText: String;
Options: TsSearchOptions;
Within: TsSearchWithin;
Besides the text to be searched (SearchText) it provides a set of options to narrow the search:
- soCompareEntireCell: Compares the SearchText with the entire cell content. If not contained in the Options then the cell text is compared only partially.
- soMatchCase: Perform a case-sensitive search
- soRegularExpr: The SearchText is considered as a regular expression
- soAlongRows: The search engine proceeds first along the rows. If not contained in the Options then the search proceeds along the columns.
- soBackward: The search begins at the end of the document, or runs backward from the active cell. If not contained in the Options then the search starts at the beginning of the document, or runs forward from the active cell.
- soWrapDocument: If a search has reached the end of the document the search is resumed at its beginning (or vice versa, if soBackward is used).
- soEntireDocument: Search begins at the first cell (or last cell if soBackward is used). If not contained in the Options then the search begins at the active cell of the worksheet. Ignored by FindNext.
The record field Within identifies the part of the spreadsheet to be searched:
- swWorkbook: The entire workbook is searched. If the search phrase is not found on the first worksheet (or last worksheet if soBackward is used) then the search continues with the next (previous) sheet.
- swWorksheet: The search is limited to the currently active worksheet
- swColumn: Search is restricted to the column of the active cell
- swRow: Search is restricted to the row of the active cell.
In addition to searching the search engine can also be used for replacing the found text by another string. Call the functions ReplaceFirst or ReplaceNext for this purpose. They act like their FindXXXX counterparts, therefore, they require a TsSearchParams record to specify the search criteria. But in addition to searching, these functions also perform the text replacement according to the specification in a TsReplaceParams record:
TsReplaceParams = record
ReplaceText: String;
Options: TsReplaceOptions;
The ReplaceText identifies the string which will replace the found text pattern. The Options define a set of criteria how the replacement is done:
- roReplaceEntirecell: Replaces the entire cell text by the ReplaceText. If not contained in the Options then only the part matching the SearchText is replaced.
- roReplaceAll: Performs the replacement in all found cells (i.e., simply call ReplaceFirst to replace all automatically).
- roConfirm: Calls an event handler for the OnConfirmReplacement event in which the user must specify whether the replacement is to be performed or not. Note that this event handler is mandatory if roConfirm is set.
Column and row operations
The worksheet provides these methods for inserting and deleting columns a row:
TsWorksheet = class
procedure DeleteCol(ACol: Cardinal);
procedure DeleteRow(ARow: Cardinal);
procedure InsertCol(ACol: Cardinal);
procedure InsertRow(ARow: Cardinal);
procedure RemoveCol(ACol: Cardinal);
procedure RemoveRow(ARow: Cardinal);
procedure RemoveAllCols;
procedure RemoveAllRows
- When a column or row is deleted by DeleteCol</t> or DeleteRow, any data assigned to this column or row are removed, i., cells, comments, hyperlinks, TCol or TRow records. Data at the right of or below the deleted column/row move to the left or up.
- RemoveCol and RemoveRow, in contract, remove only the column or row record, i.e. reset column width and row height to their default values. Cell, comment, and hyperlink data are not affected.
- RemoveAllCols removes all column records, i.e. resets all column widths; RemoveAllRows does the same with the row records and row heights.
- A column or row is inserted before the index specified as parameter of the InsertXXX method.
Page layout
So far, FPSpreadsheet does not support printing of worksheets, but the Office applications do, and they provide a section of information in their files for this purpose. In FPSpreadsheets this information is available in the TsPageLayout class which belongs to the TsWorksheet data structure. Its properties and methods combine the most important features from the Excel and OpenDocument worlds.
TsPageOrientation = (spoPortrait, spoLandscape);
TsPrintOption = (poPrintGridLines, poPrintHeaders, poPrintPagesByRows,
poMonochrome, poDraftQuality, poPrintCellComments, poDefaultOrientation,
poUseStartPageNumber, poCommentsAtEnd, poHorCentered, poVertCentered,
poDifferentOddEven, poDifferentFirst, poFitPages);
TsPrintOptions = set of TsPrintOption;
TsHeaderFooterSectionIndex = (hfsLeft, hfsCenter, hfsRight);
TsCellRange = record
Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2: Cardinal;
TsPageLayout = class
{ Methods }
// embedded header/footer images
procedure AddHeaderImage(AHeaderIndex: Integer;
ASection: TsHeaderFooterSectionIndex; const AFilename: String);
procedure AddFooterImage(AFooterIndex: Integer;
ASection: TsHeaderFooterSectionIndex; const AFilename: String);
procedure GetImageSections(out AHeaderTags, AFooterTags: String);
function HasHeaderFooterImages: Boolean;
// Repeated rows and columns
function HasRepeatedCols: Boolean;
function HasRepeatedRows: Boolean;
procedure SetRepeatedCols(AFirstCol, ALastCol: Cardinal);
procedure SetRepeatedRows(AFirstRow, ALastRow: Cardinal);
// print ranges
function AddPrintRange(ARow1, ACol1, ARow2, ACol2: Cardinal): Integer; overload;
function AddPrintRange(const ARange: TsCellRange): Integer; overload;
function GetPrintRange(AIndex: Integer): TsCellRange;
function NumPrintRanges: Integer;
procedure RemovePrintRange(AIndex: Integer);
{ Properties }
property Orientation: TsPageOrientation read FOrientation write FOrientation;
property PageWidth: Double read FPageWidth write FPageWidth;
property PageHeight: Double read FPageHeight write FPageHeight;
property LeftMargin: Double read FLeftMargin write FLeftMargin;
property RightMargin: Double read FRightMargin write FRightMargin;
property TopMargin: Double read FTopMargin write FTopMargin;
property BottomMargin: Double read FBottomMargin write FBottomMargin;
property HeaderMargin: Double read FHeaderMargin write FHeaderMargin;
property FooterMargin: Double read FFooterMargin write FFooterMargin;
property StartPageNumber: Integer read FStartPageNumber write SetStartPageNumber;
property ScalingFactor: Integer read FScalingFactor write SetScalingFactor;
property FitHeightToPages: Integer read FFitHeightToPages write SetFitHeightToPages;
property FitWidthToPages: Integer read FFitWidthToPages write SetFitWidthToPages;
property Copies: Integer read FCopies write FCopies;
property Options: TsPrintOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
property Headers[AIndex: Integer]: String read GetHeaders write SetHeaders;
property Footers[AIndex: Integer]: String read GetFooters write SetFooters;
property RepeatedCols: TsRowColRange read FRepeatedCols;
property RepeatedRows: TsRowColRange read FRepeatedRows;
property PrintRange[AIndex: Integer]: TsCellRange read GetPrintRange;
property FooterImages[ASection: TsHeaderFooterSectionIndex]: TsHeaderFooterImage read GetFooterImages;
property HeaderImages[ASection: TsHeaderFooterSectionIndex]: TsHeaderFooterImage read GetHeaderImages;
TsWorksheet = class
property PageLayout: TsPageLayout;

- Orientation defines the orientation of the printed paper, either portrait or landscape.
- Page width and page height refer to the standard orientation of the paper, usually portrait orientation.
- Left, top, right and bottom margins are self-explanatory and are given in millimeters.
- HeaderMargin is understood - like in Excel - as the distance between the paper top edge and the top of the header, and TopMargin correspondingly is the distance between the top paper edge and the top of the first table row, i.e. if the header contains several line breaks it can reach into the the table part of the print-out. This is different from OpenDocument files where the header can grow accordingly.
- StartPageNumber should be altered if the print-out should not begin with page 1. This setting requires to add the option poUseStartPageNumber to the PageLayout's Options - but this is normally done automatically.
- The ScalingFactor is given in percent and can be used to reduce the number of printed pages. Modifying this property clear the option poFitToPages from the PageLayout's Options.
- Alternatively to ScalingFactor, you can also use FitHeightToPages or FitWidthToPages. The option poFitToPages must be active in order to override the ScalingFactorsetting. FitHeightToPages specifies the number of pages onto which the entire height of the printed worksheet should fit. Accordingly, FitWidthToPages can be used to define the number of pages on which the entire width of the worksheet has to fit. The value 0 has the special meaning of "use as many pages as needed". In this way, the setting "Fit all columns on one page" of Excel, for example, can be achieved by this code:
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.Options := MyWorksheet.PageLayout.Options + [poFitPages];
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.FitWidthToPages := 1; // all columns on one page width
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.FitHeightToPages := 0; // use as many pages as needed
- Header rows and columns repeated on every printed page can be defined by the RepeatedCols and RepeatedRows records; their elements FirstIndex and LastIndex refer to the indexes of the first and last column or row, respectively, to be repeated. Use the methods SetRepeatedCols and SetRepeatedRows to define these numbers. Note that the second parameter for the last index can be omitted to use only a single header row or column.
- Print ranges or print areas (using Excel terminology) can be used to restrict printing only to a range of cells. Use the methods AddPrintRange to define a cell range for printing: specify the indexes of the left column, top row, right column and bottom row of the range to be printed. A worksheet can contain several print ranges.
- Copies specifies how often the worksheet will be printed.
- The Options define further printing properties, their names are self-explaining. They were defined according to Excel files, some of them do not exist in ODS files and are ignored there.
Header and footer texts can be composed of left-aligned, centered and right-aligned strings. Add the symbol &L to indicate that the following string is to be printed as the left-aligned part; use &C accordingly for the centered and &R for the right-aligned parts. There are other symbols which will be replaced by their counterparts during printing:
- &L: begins the left-aligned section of a header or a footer text definition
- &C: begins the centered section of a header or a footer text definition
- &R: begins the right-aligned section of a header or a footer text definition
- &P: page number
- &N: page count
- &D: current date of printing
- &T: current time of printing
- &A: worksheet name
- &F: file name without path
- &P: file path without file name
- &G: embedded image - use the methods AddHeaderImage or AddFooterImage to specify the image file; this also appends the &G to the other codes of the current header/footer section. Note that not all image types known by the Office application may be accepted. Currently the image can be jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, pcx, svg, wmf or emf.
- &B: bold on/off
- &I: italic on/off
- &U: underlining on/off
- &E: double-underlining on/off
- &S: strike-out on/off
- &H: shadow on/off
- &O: outline on/off
- &X: superscript on/off
- &Y: subscript on/off
- &"font": begin using of the font with the specified name, e.g. &"Arial"
- &number: begin using of the specified font size (in points), e.g. &16
- &Krrggbb: switch to the font color specified to the binary value of the specified color, e.g. use &KFF0000 for red.
The arrays Headers[]/Footers[] provide space for usage of three different headers or footers:
- Headers[0] refers to the header used on the first page only, similarly for Footers[0]. Instead of index 0 you can use the constant HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_FIRST. Leave this string empty if there is no special first-page header/footer.
- Headers[1] refers to the header on pages with odd page numbers, similarly for Footers[1]. Instead of index 1 you may want to use the constant HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_ODD.
- Headers[2] refers to the header on lages with even page nubmers, similarly for Footers[2]. Instead of index 2 you may want to use the constant HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_EVEN.
Leave the strings at index 0 and 2 empty if the print-out should always have the same header/footer. You can use the constant HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_ALL for better clarity. Example:
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.Headers[HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_ALL] := '&C&D &T'; // centered "date time" on all pages as header
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.Footers[HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_ODD] := '&RPage &P of &N'; // right-aligned "Page .. of ..." on odd pages as footer
MyWorksheet.PageLayout.Footers[HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX_EVEN] := '&LPage &P of &N'; // dto, but left-aligned on even pages
Loading and saving
Adding new file formats
FPSpreadsheet is open to any spreadsheet file format. In addition to the built-in file formats which are specified by one of the sfXXXX declarations, it is possible to provide dedicated reader and writer units to get access to special file formats.
- Write a unit implementing a reader and a writer for the new file format. They must inherit from the basic TsCustomSpreadReader and TsCustomWriter, respectively, - both are implemented in unit fpsReaderWriter -, or from one of the more advanced ones belonging to the built-in file formats.
- Register the new reader/writer by calling the function RegisterSpreadFileFormat in the initialization section of this unit (implemented in unit fpsRegFileFormats):
function RegisterSpreadFormat(AFormat: TsSpreadsheetFormat; AReaderClass: TsSpreadReaderClass; AWriterClass: TsSpreadWriterClass;
AFormatName, ATechnicalName: String; const AFileExtensions: array of String): TsSpreadFormatID;
- AFormat must have the value sfUser to register an external file format.
- AReaderClass is the class of the reader (or nil, if reading functionality is not implemented).
- AWriterClass is the class of the writer (or nil, if writing functionality is not implemented).
- AFormatName defines the name of the format as used for example in the filter list of file-open dialogs.
- ATechnicalName defines a shorter format name.
- AFileExtensions is an array of file extensions used in the files. The first array element denotes the default extension. The extensions must begin with a period as in .xls.
- The registration function returns a numerical value (TsSpreadFormatID) which can be used as format identifier in the workbook reading and writing functions which exist in overloaded version accepting a numerical value for the format specifier. In contract to the built-in formats the FormatID is negative.
- Finally, in your application, add the new unit to the uses clause. This will call the registrations function when the unit is loaded and make the new file format available to FPSpreadsheet.
Stream selection
Workbooks are loaded and saved by means of the ReadFromFile and WriteToFile methods, respectively (or by their stream counterparts, ReadFromStream and WriteToStream).
By default, the data files are accessed by means of memory streams which yields the fastest access to the files. In case of very large files (e.g. tens of thousands of rows), however, the system may run out of memory. There are two methods to defer the memory overflow by some extent.
- Add the element boBufStream to the workbook's Options. In this case, a "buffered" stream is used for accessing the data. This kind of stream holds a memory buffer of a given size and swaps data to file if the buffer becomes too small.
- Add the element boFileStream to the workbook's Options. This option avoids memory streams altogether and creates temporary files if needed. This is, however, the slowest method of data access.
- If both options are set then boBufStream is ignored.
- In practice, however, the effect of the selected streams is not very large if memory is to be saved.
Virtual mode
Beyond the transient memory usage during reading/writing the main memory consumptions originates in the internal structure of FPSpreadsheet which holds all data in memory. To overcome this limitation, a "virtual mode" has been introduced. In this mode, data are received from a data source (such as a database table) and are passed through to the writer without being collected in the worksheet. It is clear that data loaded in virtual mode cannot be displayed in the visual controls. Virtual mode is good for conversion between different data formats.
These are the steps required to use this mode:
- Activate virtual mode by adding the option boVirtualMode to the Options of the workbook.
- Tell the spreadsheet writer how many rows and columns are to be written. The corresponding worksheet properties are VirtualRowCount and VirtualColCount.
- Write an event handler for the event OnWriteCellData of the worksheet. This handler gets the index of row and column of the cell currently being saved. You have to return the value which will be saved in this cell. You can also specify a template cell that physically exists in the workbook from which the formatting style is copied to the destination cell. Please be aware that when exporting a database, you are responsible for advancing the dataset pointer to the next database record when writing of a row is complete.
- Call the WriteToFile method of the workbook.
Virtual mode also works for reading spreadsheet files.
The folder example/other contains a worked out sample project demonstrating virtual mode using random data. More realistic database examples are in example/db_import_export and in the chapter on converting a large database table using virtual mode.
Dataset export
FPC contains a set of units that allow you to export datasets to various formats (XML, SQL statements, DBF files,...). There is a master package that allows you to choose an export format at design time or run time (Lazarus package lazdbexport).
FPSpreadsheet has TFPSExport which plugs into this system. It allows you to export the contents of a dataset to a new spreadsheet (.xls, .xlsx, .ods, wikitable format) file into a table on the first sheet by default. In addition, if MultipleSheets is set to TRUE it is possible to combine several sheets into individual worksheets in the same file. You can optionally include the field names as header cells on the first row using the HeaderRow properties in the export settings. The export component tries to find the number format of the cells according to the dataset field types.
For more complicated exports, you need to manually code a solution (see examples below) but for simple data transfer/dynamic exports at user request, this unit will probably be sufficient.
A simple example of how this works:
Exp: TFPSExport;
ExpSettings: TFPSExportFormatSettings;
TheDate: TDateTime;
FDataset.First; //assume we have a dataset called FDataset
Exp := TFPSExport.Create(nil);
ExpSettings := TFPSExportFormatSettings.Create(true);
ExpSettings.ExportFormat := efXLS; // choose file format
ExpSettings.HeaderRow := true; // include header row with field names
Exp.FormatSettings := ExpSettings; // apply settings to export object
Exp.Dataset:=FDataset; // specify source
Exp.FileName := 'c:\temp\datadump.xls';
Exp.Execute; // run the export
Visual controls for FPSpreadsheet
The package laz_fpspreadsheet_visual implements a series of controls which simiplify creation of visual GUI applications:
- TsWorkwookSource links the controls to a workbook and notifies the controls of changes in the workbook.
- TsWorksheetGrid implements a grid control with editing and formatting capabilities; it can be applied in a similar way to TStringGrid.
- TsWorkbookTabControl provides a tab sheet for each worksheet of the workbook. It is the ideal container for a TsWorksheetGrid.
- TsCellEdit corresponds to the editing line in Excel or Open/LibreOffice. Direct editing in the grid, however, is possible as well.
- TsCellIndicator displays the name of the currently selected cell; it can be used for navigation purposes by entering a cell address string.
- TsCellCombobox offers to pick cell properties for a selection of formatting attributes: font name, font size, font color, background color.
- TsSpreadsheetInspector is a tool mainly for debugging; it displays various properties of workbook, worksheet, cell value and cell formatting, similar to the ObjectInspector of Lazarus. It is read-only, though.
- Various standard actions are provided in the unit fpsActions. Applied to menu or toolbar, they simplify typical formatting and editing tasks without having to write a line of code.
- TsWorkbookChartSource interfaces a workbook with the TAChart library. It defines the cell ranges from which a Chart series can get its data. There is also an older component, TsWorksheetChartSource, which requires all cells to be from the same worksheet. For this reason, it has not been fully integrated into the environment of FPSpreadsheet controls and will be removed from the library in the future.
See the FPSpreadsheet tutorial: Writing a mini spreadsheet application for more information and a tutorial, and see demo projects for examples of the application of these components.
To create a project which uses the fpspreadsheet library, add the fpspreadsheet_pkg package to it's Lazarus project, or add the base directory of fpspreadsheet to you compiler options if using another IDE.
The entire FPSpreadsheet package consists of several units. A spreadsheet application typically "uses" the following units:
- fpspreadsheet: implements TsWorkbook and TsWorksheet and the basic file reading/writing methods
- fpstypes: declares most of the data types and constants used throughout the package. Note: in older versions these declarations were contained in fpspreadsheet.pas.
- the unit(s) implementing the reader/writer for a given file format, e.g. xlsbiff8 for binary Excel files. If the application will be able to handle all formats "use" the unit fpsallformats.
The next units are required only occasionally:
- fpsutils: a collection of utility functions that are occasionally needed (e.g. conversion of col/row indexes to Excel-like cell address string).
- fpscell: this unit is required if you use direct cell formatting (e.g. cell^.BackgroundColor := scYellow) instead of calling the corresponding worksheet method (MyWorksheet.WriteBackgroundColor(cell, scYellow), in this example).
- fpsnumformat: collects all utility functions related to number formats.
All other units are probably not needed at the application level. In case of the visual spreadsheet controls, the needed units usually are inserted at design-time automatically.
Excel 5 example
Note: at least with fpspreadsheet from trunk (development version), this example requires (at least) Lazarus avglvltree.pas, lazutf8.pas, asiancodepagefunctions.inc, asiancodepages.inc and lconvencoding.pas (in the $(LazarusDir)\components\lazutils\ directory)
Demonstrates how to write an Excel 5.x file using the fpspreadsheet library
You can change the output format by changing the OUTPUT_FORMAT constant
AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
program excel5demo;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, laz_fpspreadsheet;
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyFormula: TsRPNFormula;
MyDir: string;
// Initialization
MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
// Create the spreadsheet
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');
// Write some number cells
MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 0, 1.0);
MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 1, 2.0);
MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 2, 3.0);
MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 3, 4.0);
// Write the formula E1 = A1 + B1
MyWorksheet.WriteFormula(0, 4, 'A1+B1');
// Creates a new worksheet
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet 2');
// Write some string cells
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 0, 'First');
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 1, 'Second');
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 2, 'Third');
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 3, 'Fourth');
// Save the spreadsheet to a file
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);
Opening an existing spreadsheet
To open a spreadsheet while specifying a particular format to use use ReadFromFile with two parameters:
MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile(AFileName, sfExcel5);
It is also possible to call ReadFromFile with only one parameter, the filename. Then the workbook will use the extension to auto-detect the file format. In case of the ambiguous extension .xls (Excel 2-8) it will simply try various possibilities until one works. Although typical fingerprint byte patterns are checked now it is still possible that an exception will be raised for each incorrect format if run from the IDE at designtime; this does not occur at runtime.
Writing a spreadsheet to file based on extension
Similar to the ReadFromFile routine, there is also a WriteToFile procedure to determine the spreadsheet's type based on the filename suffix. It uses the GetFormatFromFileName routine in the previous section's code, so the actual code is simple. However, it will always write files with a given extension using the latest format that uses that extension (e.g. Excel .xls files will be written as sfExcel8), so if you want to write them in an earlier format, you have to use the base routine.
As above, this code patches the fpspreadsheet.pas unit.
procedure TsWorkbook.WriteToFile(const AFileName: string; const AOverwriteExisting: Boolean = False); overload;
var SheetType: TsSpreadsheetFormat;
if getFormatFromFileName(AFileName, SheetType) then
WriteToFile(AFileName, SheetType, AOverwriteExisting)
else raise Exception.Create(Format(
'[TsWorkbook.WriteToFile] Attempted to save a spreadsheet by extension, but the extension %s is invalid.', [ExtractFileExt(AFileName)]));
Iterating through all Worksheets
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
i: Integer;
// Here load MyWorkbook from a file or build it
for i := 0 to MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetCount() - 1 do
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetByIndex(i);
// Do something with MyWorksheet
Iteration through cells
The first idea is to use a simple for-to loop:
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
col, row: Cardinal;
cell: PCell;
for row:=0 to MyWorksheet.GetLastRowIndex do
for col := 0 to MyWorksheet.GetLastColIndex do
cell := MyWorksheet.FindCell(row, col);
FindCell initiates a search for a cell independently of the previously found cell. Cells, however, are are organized interally in a sorted tree structure, and each cell "knows" its previous and next neighbors. Moreover, FindCell wastes time on searching for non-existing cells in case of sparsely-occupied worksheets. In general, it is more efficient to use the for-in syntax which takes advantage of the internal tree structure by means of special enumerators. Note that there are also dedicated enumerators for searching along rows, columns or in cell ranges:
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
cell: PCell;
// Search in all cells
for cell in Myworksheet.Cells do
// Search in column 0 only
for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetColEnumerator(0) do
// Search in row 2 only
for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetRowEnumerator(2) do
// Search in range A1:C2 only (rows 0..1, columns 0..2)
for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetRangeEnumerator(0, 0, 1, 2) do
Converting a database to a spreadsheet
The easiest solution is to use the DatasetExport component.
If you need to have more control over the process, use something like:
program db5xls;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils,
// add database units
fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats;
const OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel5;
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyDatabase: TSdfDataset;
MyDir: string;
i, j: Integer;
// Initialization
MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
// Open the database
MyDatabase := TSdfDataset.Create;
MyDatabase.Filename := 'test.dat';
// Add table description here
MyDatabase.Active := True;
// Create the spreadsheet
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');
// Write the field names
for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, i, MyDatabase.Fields[i].FieldName);
// Write all cells to the worksheet
j := 0;
while not MyDatabase.EOF do
for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
MyWorksheet.WriteText(j + 1, i, MyDatabase.Fields[i].AsString);
// Close the database
MyDatabase.Active := False;
// Save the spreadsheet to a file
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);
Converting a large database table to a spreadsheet using virtual mode

We want to write a large database table to a spreadsheet file. The first row of the spreadsheet is to show the field names in bold type face and with a gray background.
Normally, FPSpreadsheet would load the entire representation of the spreadsheet into memory, so we'll use virtual mode to minimize memory usage.
TDataProvider = class;
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
MyDatabase: TSdfDataset;
MyDir: string;
MyHeaderTemplateCell: PCell;
DataProvider: TDataProvider;
// Implement TDataProvider here - see below...
// Initialization
MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
// Open the database
MyDatabase := TSdfDataset.Create;
MyDatabase.Filename := 'test.dat';
// Add table description here
MyDatabase.Active := True;
// Create the spreadsheet
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');
// Create the template cell for the header line, we want the
// header in bold type-face and gray background color
// The template cell can be anywhere in the workbook, let's just select cell A1.
MyWorksheet.WriteFontStyle(0, 0, [fssBold]);
MyWorksheet.WriteBackgroundColor(0, 0, scGray);
// We'll need this cell again and again, so let's save the pointer to it in a variable
MyHeaderTemplateCell := MyWorksheet.Find(0, 0);
// Enter virtual mode
MyWorkbook.Options := MyWorkbook.Options + [boVirtualMode];
// Define number of columns - we want a column for each field
MyWorksheet.VirtualColCount := MyDatabase.FieldCount;
// Define number of rows - we want every record, plus 1 row for the title row
MyWorksheet.VirtualRowCount := MyDatabase.RecordCount + 1;
// Link the event handler which passes data from database to spreadsheet writer
MyWorksheet.OnWriteCellData := @DataProvider.WriteCellData;
// Write all cells to an Excel8 file
// The data to be written are specified in the OnWriteCellData event handler.
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test.xls', sfExcel8);
// Clean-up
// Close the database & clean-up
MyDatabase.Active := False;
What is left is to write the event handler for OnWriteCellData. For the command-line program above we setup a particular data provider class (in a gui program the event handler can also be a method of any form):
TDataProvider = class
procedure WriteCellData(Sender: TsWorksheet; ARow, ACol: Cardinal; var AValue: variant; var AStyleCell: PCell);
procedure TDataProvider.WriteCellData(Sender: TsWorksheet; ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: variant; var: AStyleCell: PCell);
// Let's handle the header row first:
if ARow = 0 then begin
// The value to be written to the spreadsheet is the field name.
AValue := MyDatabase.Fields[ACol].FieldName;
// Formatting is defined in the HeaderTemplateCell.
AStyleCell := MyHeaderTemplateCell;
// Move to first record
end else begin
// The value to be written to the spreadsheet is the record value in the field corresponding to the column.
// No special requirements on formatting --> leave AStyleCell at its default (nil).
AValue := MyDatabase.Fields[ACol].AsVariant;
// Advance database cursor if last field of record has been written
if ACol = MyDatabase.FieldCount-1 then MyDatabase.Next;
Converting between two spreadsheet formats
program ods2xls;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils,
fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, fpspreadsheet_pkg;
INPUT_FORMAT = sfOpenDocument;
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
MyDir: string;
// Initialization
MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
// Convert the spreadsheet
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile(MyDir + 'test.ods', INPUT_FORMAT);
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test.xls', OUTPUT_FORMAT);
Reading and writing of CSV files
CSV files (CSV = comma-separated values) are plain text files without metadata. Therefore, additional information for correct reading of writing from/to a worksheet is required. The global record CSVParams makes available fundamental settings for this purpose:
CSVParams: TsCSVParams = record // W = writing, R = reading, RW = reading/writing
SheetIndex: Integer; // W: Index of the sheet to be written
LineEnding: TsCSVLineEnding; // W: Specification for line ending to be written
Delimiter: Char; // RW: Column delimiter
QuoteChar: Char; // RW: Character for quoting texts
Encoding: String; // RW: Encoding of file
DetectContentType: Boolean; // R: try to convert strings to content types
NumberFormat: String; // W: if empty write numbers like in sheet, otherwise use this format
AutoDetectNumberFormat: Boolean; // R: automatically detects decimal/thousand separator used in numbers
TrueText: String; // RW: String for boolean TRUE
FalseText: String; // RW: String for boolean FALSE
FormatSettings: TFormatSettings; // RW: add'l parameters for conversion
This record contains fields which are evaluated for reading only, writing only, or for both - see the attached comments.
A common situation is to read a file using a number decimal separator which is different from the system's decimal separator: Suppose you are on a European system in which the decimal separator is a comma, but the csv file to be read originates from a machine which uses a decimal point. And suppose also, that the file contains tab characters as column separator instead of the default comma. In this case, simply set the CSVParams.FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator to '.', and the CSVParams.Delimiter to #9 (TAB character) before reading the file:
fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpscsv;
MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
CSVParams.FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := '.';
CSVParams.Delimiter := #9;
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile('machine-data.csv', sfCSV);

Sample projects in the fpspreadsheet installation folder
A bunch of sample projects accompanies the FPSpreadsheet installation. They can be found in the folder "examples". Here is a brief description of these sample projects
- db_import_export is an example showing how to export a large database table to a spreadsheet file using virtual mode or TFPSExport. It also shows importing the spreadsheet into a database using virtual mode.
- fpsspeedtest compares the effect of file format and various reading/writing parameters on the speed of writing and reading very large spreadsheet files. Again, please run the write test first which create the test files used for the read test.
- Folder read_write:
- excel2demo contains command-line programs for writing and reading Excel 2.x xls files. Please run the write demo before the read demo so the required spreadsheet file is generated.
- excel5demo, like excel2demo, but for Excel 5 xls files.
- excel8demo, like excel2demo, but for Excel 97-2003 xls files.
- csvdemo, like excel2demo, but for CSV files.
- htmldemo, like excel2demo, but for HTML file (currently writing only).
- ooxmldemo, like excel2demo, but for the new Excel xlsx files.
- opendocdemo, like excel2demo, but for OpenOffice/LibreOffice ods files
- wikitabledemo, like excel2demo, but for wiki table files. Note that the write example currently writes a format that the read example cannot understand.
- other: simple commandline programs showing various aspects of the fpspreadsheet package. Have a look at readme.txt for more details.
- Folder visual:
- fpschart shows the application of the TsWorksheetChartSource and TsWorkbookChartSource and the interaction with the TAChart plotting package.
- fpsctrls and visual/fpsctrls_no_install create a GUI spreadsheet application with a minimum amount of written code; the latter demo is good for testing because it does not require installation of the FPSpreadsheet packages. Step-by-step instructions on how fpsctrls is made can be found in the FSpreadsheet tutorial.
- fpsgrid and visual/fpsgrid_no_install show the basic application of the TsWorksheetGrid without using the TsWorkbookSource component; the latter demo does not require installation of any FPSpreadsheet package.
- spready: an extended application of the TsWorksheetGrid showing spreadsheet files with formatting, editing of cells, etc. Note that this demo can be simplified by taking advantage of the FPSpreadsheet controls.
- wikitablemaker is a small application for creation of code to be used for tables on wiki pages. Type the data into a TsWorksheetGrid (or load an existing spreadsheet file), go to page "Code" to see the generated wiki code, click "Copy to clipboard" and paste the code into the wiki page.
You can download FPSpreadsheet using the subversion software and the following command line:
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/lazarus-ccr/svn/components/fpspreadsheet fpspreadsheet
SVN change log
- "Rich-text" formatting of label cells, i.e. assignment different fonts to groups of characters within the cell text. For this purpose, HTML codes (such as <B>...</B>) can be embedded in the cell text to identify the parts with different font (--> TsWorksheet.WriteTextAsHTML).
- Searching for cells with specified content in worksheet or workbook.
- Support for reading and writing of HTML format
- Support for writing of the ExcelXML format (Excel XP and 2003)
- Ability to use user-provided file reader/writer classes to extend FPSpreadsheet to new file formats.
- Readers and writers now support all the line styles of Excel8 and OOXML.
- xls, xlsx and ods readers/writers now support the active worksheet and selected cell.
- Ability to write to/read from the system's clipboard for copy & paste using the visual controls.
- Support for print ranges and repeated header rows and columns in the Office applications.
- Support for embedded images (currently only writing to xlsx and ods, no reading).
- Improved compatibility of TsWorksheetGrid with TStringGrid (Cells[Col,Row] property). Standalone application as an advanced StringGrid replacement.
- Support for Right-to-left mode in TsWorksheetGrid. In addition to the system-wide RTL mode, there are also parameters BiDiMode in the Worksheet and cells allowing to controls text direction at worksheet and cell level individually, like in Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
- Support of several units for specification of column widths and row heights.
- The library now supports localization using po files. Translations are welcome.
Incompatible changes
- VirtualMode was changed in order to be able to treat worksheets of the same workbook differently. VirtualRowCount and VirtualColCount are now properties of the worksheet, and similarly, the event handler OnWriteCellData. In older versions, these properties had belonged to the workbook.
- The worksheet methods ReadAsUTF8Text and WriteUTF8Text have been renamed to ReadAsText and WriteText, respectively. The old ones are still available and marked as deprecated; they will be removed in later versions.
- The public properties of TsWorksheetGrid using a TRect as parameter were modified to use the Left, Top, Right, Bottom values separately.
- The PageLayout is a class now, no longer a record. As a consequence, some array properties cannot be set directly any more, use the corresponding methods instead.
- Most of the predefined color constants were marked as deprecated; only the basic EGA colors will remain.
To do list
Note: this list is provisional, maintained by developers and can change without notice. If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to get in touch and submit a patch - thanks!
- Find out why BIFF2 files are corrupt when saved with frozen rows/cols activated.
- Find out how to write more than 21 number formats to a BIFF2 file (Office 97 can do this).
- Add row and column formats
- Add reading support for wikitable (Mediawiki) files
- xls reader crashes for some incorrectly written xls files (which Excel can read), see http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,25624.0.html.
Improve color support: due to palette support colors may change from file to file currently.- Add embedded images.
- Fix writing of cell comments to BIFF8 files.
- Provide a more common user interface to fpspreadsheet (setter/getter and properties instead of Read*/Write* methods, MyWorksheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]), make TCell a class, avoid the pointers PCell.
Store formatting in a format list of the workbook, not in the cell, to reduce memory usage.- Use BIFF8 file-wide string storage instead of storing strings in cells (should reduce memory usage in case of many duplicate strings)
- Redo ooxml and ods readers based upon SAX/TXmlReader instead of DOM to reduce memory usage of large files.
Add an fpspreadsheetexport unit and component on "Data Export" tab similar to fpdbfexport FPSpreadsheetexport demo preferably with all export formats component.Find a way to register export format to all formats (look into how lazreport pdf export performs a similar procedure).
Stable releases
You can find all releases of FPSpreadsheet on sourceforge.
Version 1.6
The latest stable release is version 1.6.2.
Change log (with respect to v1.4.x)
- TsWorkbookChartSource is a new component which facilitates creation of charts from non-contiguous spreadsheet data in various worksheets. It interfaces to a workbook via tha WorkbookSource component. In the long run, it will replace the older TsWorksheetChartSource which required contiguous x/y data blocks in the same worksheet.
- Major reconstruction of the cell record resulting in strong reduction of memory consumption per cell (from about 160 bytes per cell down to about 50)
- Implementation of a record helper for the TCell which simplifies cell formatting (no need to set a bit in UsedFormattingFields any more, automatic notification of visual controls)
- Comments in cells
- Background fill patterns
- Hyperlinks
- Enumerators for worksheet's internal AVLTrees for faster iteration using a for-in loop.
- Formatting of numbers as fractions.
- Improved number format parser for better recognition of Excel-like number formats.
- Page layout (page margins, headers, footer, used for only when printing in the Office applications - no direct print support in fpspreadsheet!)
- Improved color management: no more palettes, but direct rgb colors. More pre-defined colors.
- A snapshot of the wiki documentation is added to the library as chm help file.
Incompatible changes
- All type declarations and constants are moved from fpspreadsheet.pas to the new unit fpstypes.pas. Therefore, most probably, this unit has to be added to the uses clause.
- Because fpspreadsheet supports now background fill patterns the cell property BackgroundColor has been replaced by Background. Similarly, the UsedFormattingFields flag uffBackgroundColor is called uffBackground now.
- Another UsedFormattingFields flag has been dropped: uffBold. It is from the early days of fpspreadsheet and has become obsolete since the introduction of full font support. For achieving a bold type-face, now call MyWorksheet.WriteFont(row, col, BOLD_FONTINDEX), or Myworksheet.WriteFontStyle(row, col, [fssBold]).
- Iteration through cells using the worksheet methods GetFirstCell and GetNextCell has been removed - it failed if another iteration of this kind was called within the loop. Use the new for-in syntax instead.
- Support for shared formulas has been reduced. The field SharedFormulaBase has been deleted from the TCell record, and methods related to shared formulas have been removed from TsWorksheet. Files containing shared formulas can still be read, the shared formulas are converted to multiple normal formulas.
- The color palettes of previous versions have been abandoned. TsColor is now a DWord representing the rgb components of a color (just like TColor does in the graphics unit), it is not an index into a color palette any more. The values of pre-defined colors, therefore, have changed, their names, however, are still existing. The workbook functions for palette access have become obsolete and were removed.
Version 1.4
Change log (with respect to v1.2.x)
- Full support for string formulas; calculation of RPN and string formulas for all built-in formulas either directly or by means of registration mechanism. Calculation occurs when a workbook is saved (activate workbook option boCalcBeforeSaving) or when cell content changes (active workbook option boAutoCalc).
- Shared formulas (reading for sfExcel5, sfExcel8, sfOOXML; writing for sfExcel2, sfExcel5, sfExcel8).
- Significant speed-up of writing of large spreadsheets for the xml-based formats (ods and xlsx), speed up for biff2; speedtest demo program
- VirtualMode allowing to read and write very large spreadsheet files without loading entire document representation into memory. Formatting of cells in VirtualMode.
- Demo program for database export using virtual mode and TFPSExport.
- Added db export unit allowing programmatic exporting datasets using TFPSExport. Similar export units are e.g. fpdbfexport, fpXMLXSDExport.
- Reader for xlsx files, now fully supporting the same features as the other readers.
- Reader/writer for CSV files based on CsvDocument.
- Wikitables writer supports now most of the fpspreadsheet formatting options (background color, font style, font color, text alignment, cell borders/line styles/line colors, merged cells, column widths, row heights); new "wikitablemaker" demo
- Insertion and deletion of rows and columns into a worksheet containing data.
- Implementation of sorting of a worksheet.
- Support of diagonal "border" lines
- Logging of non-fatal error messages during reading/writing (TsWorksheet.ErrorMsg)
- Merged cells
- Registration of currency strings for automatic conversion of strings to currency values
- A set of visual controls (TsWorkbookSource, TsWorkbookTabControl, TsSpreadsheetInspector, TsCellEdit, TsCellIndicator, TsCellCombobox, in addition to the already-existing TsWorksheetGrid) and pre-defined standard actions to facilitate creation of GUI applications.
- Overflow cells in TsWorksheetGrid: label cells with text longer than the cell width extend into the neighboring cell(s).
Incompatible changes
- The option soCalcBeforeSaving now belongs to the workbook, no longer to the worksheet, and has been renamed to boCalcBeforeSaving (it controls automatic calculation of formulas when a workbook is saved).
- The workbook property ReadFormulas is replaced by the option flag boReadFormulas. This means that you have to add this flag to the workbook's Options in order to activate reading of formulas.
- With full support of string formulas some features related to RPN formulas were removed:
- The field RPNFormulaResult of TCell was dropped, as well as the element cctRPNFormula in the TsContentType set.
- Sheet function identifiers were removed from the TsFormulaElement set, which was truncated after fekParen.
- To identify a sheet function, its name must be passed to the function RPNFunc (instead of using the now removed fekXXXX token). In the array notation of the RPN formula, a sheet function is identified by the new token fekFunc.
- The calling convention for registering user-defined functions was modified. It now also requires the Excel ID of the function (see "OpenOffice Documentation of Microsoft Excel Files", section 3.11, or unit xlsconst containing all token up to ID 200 and some above).
- Code related to RPN formulas was moved to a separate unit, fpsRPN. Add this unit to the uses clause if you need RPN features.
Wiki documentation of old releases
This wiki page is work in progress and updated whenever a new feature is added; therefore, its state corresponds to the svn trunk version of the package. If you work with an older stable version please use these "historic" wiki versions:
- Version 1.4: wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?title=FPSpreadsheet&oldid=85299
- Version 1.2 and 1.2.1: wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?title=FPSpreadsheet&oldid=81375
- Si únicamente necesitas componentes no gráficos: en Lazarus: Paquete -> Abrir Archivo de Paquete (.lpk)...-> Seleccionar laz_fpspreadsheet.lpk y hacer Click en [Compilar]. Con esto ahora el paquete es reconocible por Lazarus (y debería por ejemplo mostrarse en Paquetes/Enlaces de Paquete. Ya se puede añadir por tanto una dependencia en laz_fpspreadsheet dentro de tus opciones de proyecto y fpspreadsheet a la claúsula uses de las units del proyecto en las que se necesita utilizar.
- If you also want GUI components (TsWorksheetGrid and TsWorksheetChartSource): Package/Open Package File, select laz_fpspreadsheet_visual.lpk, click Compile, then click Use, Install and follow the prompts to rebuild Lazarus with the new package. Drop needed grid/chart components on your forms as usual.
- If you want to have a GUI component for dataset export: Package/Open Package File, select laz_fpspreadsheetexport_visual.lpk, click Compile, then click, Use, Install and follow the prompts to rebuild Lazarus with the new package. Drop needed export components from the Data Export tab on your forms as usual.
- FPSpreadsheet is developed with the latest stable fpc version (currently fpc 2.6.4). We only occasionally check older versions.
- The basic spreadsheet functionality works with Lazarus versions back to version 1.0. Some visual controls or demo programs, however, require newer versions. Please update your Lazarus if you have an older version and experience problems.
Compiler options
Here is a list of conditional defines which can be activated in order to tweak some operating modes of the packages and/or make it compilable with older Lazarus/FPC versions:
- FPS_DONT_USE_CLOCALE: In Unix systems, the unit clocale is automatically added to the uses clause of fpspreadsheet.pas. This unit sets up localization settings needed for locale-dependent number and date/time formats. However, this adds a dependence on the C library to the package [1]. If this is not wanted, define FPS_DONT_USE_CLOCALE.
- FPS_VARISBOOL: fpspreadsheet requires the function VarIsBool which was introduced by fpc 2.6.4. If an older FPC versions is used define FPS_VARISBOOL. Keep undefined for the current FPC version.
- FPS_LAZUTF8: fpspreadsheet requires some functions from the unit LazUTF8 which were introduced by Lazarus 1.2. If an older Lazarus version is used define FPS_LAZUTF8. Keep undefined for the current Lazarus version.
All these defines are collected in the include file fps.inc.
Soporte y reporte de errores
El lugar reconmendado para discusión y soporte sobre FPSpreadsheet es consultado en el foro de Lazarus.
Los reportes de error deben enviarse a Seguimiento de errores de Lazarus/Free Pascal; por favor, especificar el proyecto "Lazarus-CCR".
Current Progress
Progress by supported cell content
Format | Multiple sheets |
Unicode | Reader support |
Writer support |
Text | Number | String Formula |
RPN Formula |
Date/Time | Comments | Hyperlinks | Images +++ |
CSV files | No | Yes + | Working ++ | Working ++ | Working ++ | Working ++ | N/A | N/A | Working ++ | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Excel 2.x | No | No * | Working ** | Working | Working | Working | Working | Working *** | Working **** | Working | N/A | N/A |
Excel 5.0 (Excel 5.0 and 95) | Yes | No * | Working ** | Working | Working | Working | Working | Working *** | Working **** | Working | N/A | N/A |
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97- 2003) | Yes | Yes | Working ** | Working | Working | Working | Working | Working *** | Working **** | Reading only | Working | Not working |
Microsoft OOXML | Yes | Yes | Working ** | Working | Working | Working | Working *** | Working | Working **** | Working | Working | Writing only |
OpenDocument | Yes | Yes | Working ** | Working | Working | Working | Working *** | Working | Working **** | Working | Working | Working |
HTML | No | Yes | Working ++ | Working ++ | Working ++ | Working ++ | N/A | N/A | Working ++ | N/A | Working | Not working |
Wikitable files (Mediawiki) | No | Yes | planned | Working ++ | Working ++ | Working ++ | N/A | N/A | Working ++ | N/A | N/A | Not working |
(+) Depends on file.
(++) No "true" number format support because the file does not containg number formatting information. But the number format currently used in the spreadsheet understood.
(+++) Only very basic image support: no transformations, no cropping, no image manipulation.
(*) In formats which don't support Unicode the data is stored by default as ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1). You can change the encoding in TsWorkbook.Encoding. Note that FPSpreadsheet offers UTF-8 read and write routines, but the data might be converted to ISO when reading or writing to the disk. Be careful that characters which don't fit selected encoding will be lost in those operations. The remarks here are only valid for formats which don't support Unicode.
(**) Some cell could be returned blank due to missing or non ready implemented number and text formats.
(***) This is the format in which the formulas are written to file (determined by design of the file format).
(****) Writing of all formats is supported. Some rare custom formats, however, may not be recognized correctly. BIFF2 supports only built-in formats by design.
Progreso de las opciones de formateado
Quite some formatting options are available:
Formato | Alineación de texto |
Rotación de texto |
Font | Texto enriquecido |
Borde | Soporte de color |
Fondo | Word wrap |
Tamaño Col&Row |
Formato numeros |
Unir celdas |
Distribución página |
Imprimirt rangos |
Encabezado/pie página images |
CSV files | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Excel 2.x | Funciona * | N/A | Funciona | N/A | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona** | N/A | Funciona | Funciona | N/A | Funciona | N/A | N/A |
Excel 5.0 (Excel 5.0 and 95) | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | N/A | Funciona | Funciona | N/A |
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97 - XP) | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | No funciona |
Microsoft OOXML (xlsx) | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Writing only |
OpenDocument | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona*** | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona |
HTML | Funciona | Errores | Funciona | Funciona | Errores | Funciona | Funciona **** | Writing only | Writing only | N/A | Funciona | N/A | N/A | No funciona |
Wikitable (Mediawiki) | Funciona | N/A | Funciona | No funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | N/A | Funciona | N/A | N/A | No funciona |
(N/A) Característica no disponible intrínsecamente para este formato.
(*) BIFF2 soporta solamente alineación horizontal de texto, la alineación vertical se ignora.
(**) BIFF2 no soporta color de fondo; en su lugar se utiliza un fondo punteado en blanco y negro.
(***) OpenDocument soporta únicamente fondos uniformes; en su lugar se escribe un color de relleno interpolado entre foreground y background.
(****) Únicamente color de fondo uniforme, sin estilos de relleno.
Progreso del las opciones del interface de usuario para workbook/worksheet
Se han añadido algunas opciones al interface de contenidos de fichero de TsWorksheetGrid:
Formato | Ocultar líneas de la grid | Ocultar cabeceras | Inmovilizar paneles | sheet/cell activa | Modo BiDi |
Excel 2.x | Funciona | Funciona | No Funciona | N/A | N/A |
Excel 5.0 (Excel 5.0 and 95) | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | N/A |
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97 - XP) | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona |
Microsoft OOXML | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona |
OpenDocument | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona | Funciona |
HTML | Solo escritura | Solo escritura | N/A | N/A | No Funciona |
Log de cambios
Changes in the development version that have not yet been released are already documented on this page.
- 13 April 2016:
Version 1.6.2 released, basado en svn revision 4619. Corrige el desbordamiento de enteros en las fórmulas (Issue #29999). - 28 June 2015:
Version 1.6 released, based on svn release 4106. Consumo de memoria mejorado, comentarios, hiperenlaces, patrones de relleno de fondo, enumerador de celda, fraction number format, page layout, modified color management, versión fuera de línea de la wiki. - 13 March 2015:
Version 1.4.3 released. Corrige el cálculo de fórmula en una grid del worksheet. - 31 January 2015:
Version 1.4.2 released. Corrige la lectura incompleta de ficheros ods con celdas repetidas (Issue #0027389) - 26 January 2015:
Version 1.4.1 released. A bugfix release para 1.4 que corrige el streaming incorrecto de TsWorksheetGrid y los errores de lectura para lectores biff5 y biff8. - 31 December 2014:
Version 1.4 released (based on subversion revision 3856 with full formula support, lector de xlsx, lectura y escritura de csv, wikitables writer, speed enhancement, virtual mode, db export component, row and column insertion/deletion, ordenación, fusión de celdas, controles visuales en adición a la grid de (mejorado) fpspreadsheet. - 3 September 2014:
Version 1.2.1 released. This is a bugfix release for 1.2 that fixes a bug in spreadsheetGrid (Issue #26521) - 26 June 2014:
Version 1.2 released (based on subversion revision 3241) with fpsgrid improvements, soporte en la celda para fecha/hora para .xls, .ods, vasta mejora en el soporte de formateado de celda, soporte mejorado de fórmulas, tests de la unit. - Jan 2013:
Version 1.1 released with all improvements up to revision 2621 - Nov 2011:
Released version 1.0, which includes OO XML generation support with bold formatting supported and also a lot of improvements from the last years - Jan 2009:
Implemented a cross-platform support for OLE file. Now Excel 5.0 files can be created in any operating system. Adds read support for Excel 2.1 - Feb 2008:
Initial commit to lazarus-ccr con soporte de escritura para Excel 2.1, Excel 5.0 (Windows solamente) y experimental para OOXML y OpenDocument.
LGPL with static linking exception. Es el mismo tipo de licecia que el utilizado por la librería de componentes de Lazarus.
Enlaces Wiki
- Office Automation
- CsvDocument
- RPN formulas in FPSpreadsheet
- FPSpreadsheet: List of formulas
- FPSpreadsheet tutorial: Writing a mini spreadsheet application
Enlaces externos
- Excel xls and PowerPoint ppt file dumper written in Python - very handy to list all contents of BIFF files (e.g. ./xls-dump.py file.xls) - http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/mso-dumper/. A similar application is the "BIFFExplorer" which can be found in the applications folder of ccr.
- Iconos utilizados en los programas de demostración: