lazarus pas2js integration

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Lazarus pas2JS integration

Global options

In the Tools/Options... dialog, the Pas2JS section allows you to set some options that affect the IDE integration

  • Path of pas2js.
    This is the compiler binary used when setting up a new project.
    It will be searched in the PATH if no absolute path is set.
  • Path of simpleserver.
    This is the webserver that is started when a project is run that needs a webserver.
    This is by default the simpleserver application from the FPC project, but can be another webserver, as long as it accepts the -p option to set the path, and it serves files from the directory in which it was started.
  • Port numbers to start allocating from.
    Every time you start a new webserver project , a new port number is allocated for the webserver. (you can still edit this in the new project dialog).
  • Browser to use when opening HTML page.
    The IDE will use this browser to open your HTML page.
    It will be searched in the PATH if no absolute path is set.
  • Node.js executable.
    The IDE will use this Node.js executable to start a Node.js project.
    It will be searched in the PATH if no absolute path is set.

project wizards

The pas2js support is in the pas2jsdsgn.lpk package, which you can find in the components/pas2js directory. It registers 2 wizards in the 'New project' dialog:

  • Web Browser Application
  • Node.js Application

Besides creating an initial project source, both options will also

  • Set up the compiler command for compiling with pas2js
  • change the 'Run' command so the 'Run without debugging' option works: it will open a project in the browser or run it with nodejs.

New Web Browser application

This wizard will ask for some options before generating a new project. The dialog is shown below.


The following options are available:

  • Create initial HTML page. This is self-explanatory,
    the IDE will generate a template HTML page which includes all that is necessary to run the pas2js code.
    The page is included in the project description, so you can open and edit it from within the IDE.
  • Maintain HTML page.
    If you change the name of the project, the IDE will update the references in the HTML File.
    (all your changes will be lost)
  • Run rtl in document.onReady. By default the script tag that starts the ball rolling will call
    Checking this option changes the script, so the is run in the HTML document.onReady event instead.
    This is necessary if your code contains startup code that references elements in the HTML.
    The elements will only be available after the onReady event.
  • Use Browser Application object.
    This changes the code to use the TBrowserApplication object.
    This is a TCustomApplication descendent which offers support for query parameters etc. as if they were command-line parameters.
  • Use Browser Console unit.
    Checking this will simply include the browserconsole unit in the uses clause.
    This hooks into the system units writeln command: any output will be appended to the HTML.
    the generated HTML has a div with the correct ID to which the output is appended.
  • Project needs a HTTP server.
    If the project needs a HTTP server, then the IDE can start one for you, or you can indicate the URL to use when the 'Run without debugging' command is used.