Talk:Installing Lazarus

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forget .rpm and .deb - use fpcup_linux_x64 instead

unless you want to waste tons of time, just go straight for fpcup and don't even consider apt-get or synaptic, which in 99% of the cases won't get you anywhere near a working Pascal IDE.

Why not split up this page per platform April 2013

People who see this page for the first time must go crazy! It's much too complex, various ways of doing things etc.

Why not split out

- the generic/manual part of installing FPC+Lazarus (e.g. from SVN etc)

- links to platform specific articles with the shortcut ways and tweaks

However I'm not going to do it - I tried to streamline this page in 2011-2012 and failed as people kept adding different procedures, so I'm just putting this out there as a suggestion. --BigChimp 07:14, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

This page is getting to be a mess again - BigChimp January 2011

Seems somebody is adding info on compiling Lazarus on Windows.

Fine by itself, but we still have the integrated stuff originally from Marcos Douglas (FPC+Laz), so we're getting redundancy and IMO confusion.

Might be best if somebody extracted the Lazarus part out of Marcos' section and put that into the Lazarus section.

Also, I'm not sure if the new Windows Lazarus source section should specify using windres and don't understand the story about using GNU make on other drives than C...

Posted by Claude Rieth on October 31, 2003 at 00:58:59 PST

Installing on a Debian Woody:

As it is RPM packages I installed them using

rpm -i --nodep

needed to create a directory first to get rpm running but then it went okay.

To be able to use the compiler, I had to manually simlink -> -> -> -> -> ->

And then it worked. Actually coding my usual NEW ENVIRONMENT PROJECT, a RPN calculator, will post it when ready.

BTW: To the maintainer of TPanel, TCustomPanel, with the VCL, if I set the Borderwidth to 2 (ex.), the caption of the panel is moved that far away from the border (at least in Delphi 6), so it becomes more readable, this can easily be done in the LCL by adding another inflateRect(...,-BorderWidth,-BorderWidth) just before the Textout(...) that does the caption, but as I do not know yet how to add this to the offical LCL source codes, I just put it here.



Posted by Installing on Debian on July 8, 2004 at 10:28:35 PDT

This is my version how I successfully installed Lazarus on Debian.

Installing FPC:

Download fpc-1.9.x.i386.tar (in my case x was 4) and unpack the archive. Go into the folder in which you had unpacked FPC and type (as root if needed) "./sh". Follow the instructions of the script (I simply install all packages). You have now successfully installed FPC.

Installing gtk+: type as root: "apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev" this will install gtk+. then install gdk-pixbuf with the command: "apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf-dev"

Installing Lazarus:

First download lazarus-040529.tgz (or a file with a newer version number) and unpack the archive. Go to the folder with the unpacked files and enter "make clean all" (you do not need to be root). Compiling will need a good minute on a 1GHZ PC. If all works well you can start lazarus with ./lazarus.

If you get errors at the end of the compiling, possibly you have not all needed packages installed. Try to find out how to install the missing packages and try to compile again. At my first try libgtk1.2-dev was missing, at the second try it was libgdk-pixbuf-dev, the third try successfully build Lazarus.


If this was too difficult to you, you could try out the Windows version of Lazarus with wine. It works (without a Windows installation), I've wrote and started a "Hello World" program within three minutes after downloading the Windows version.

Happy programming :-)


Posted by Olivier Garet on August 17, 2004 at 01:43:21 PDT

Installing on debian

In fact, it seems that the current CVS is ready for building a debian package.

=> dowload , unzip it, cd to the directory lazarus.

Verify that the fpc-* packages are installed.


chmod +x debian/rules touch fpcdebug.txt dpkg-buildpackage

You should now get a package lazarus_0.9.1beta-0_i386.deb

Verify that the package tct is NOT installed (it has a /usr/bin/lazarus file !)

Now, dpkg -i ../lazarus_0.9.1beta-0_i386.deb should install the package.

Hope this helps.

Posted by ridz on October 2, 2004 at 00:45:38 PDT

Installing on Slackware 10.0

1) Download the rpm version of the required binaries, eg:

fpc-1.9.5-040808.i386.rpm fpcsrc-1.9.5-040808.i386.rpm lazarus-

2) Convert the 'rpm' files to Slackware 'tgz' format using

the rpm2tgz utility (usually installed as standard): rpm2tgz fpc-1.9.5-040808.i386.rpm rpm2tgz fpcsrc-1.9.5-040808.i386.rpm rpm2tgz lazarus-

3) Rename the resulting 'tgz' files as follows in order

to satisfy Slackware package manager naming convention: fpc- fpcsrc- lazarus-

4) Install all 3 using the 'installpkg' utility.

Enjoy! :)

NOTE: To uninstall 'lazarus' use the removepkg utility (dunno why anyone would want to un-install it!)

Installing Free Pascal

Is the section 'Fixes to 2.0.x' still relevant? --Swen 16:08, 10 November 2006 (CET)

Yes, as can be seen in the logs, sometimes still patches are merged from trunk to the fixes branch even if there won't be a 2.0.6. Vincent 16:21, 10 November 2006 (CET)

Split this page?

Shouldn't we split this page up, at least separate installing fpc from installing Lazarus? --Bart (talk) 12:14, 22 October 2017 (CEST)

Yes, I agree, I find it quite strange that FPC does not have its own install page, if nothing else, there are people who want just FPC without Lazarus. --Dbannon (talk) 10:09, 1 July 2020 (CEST)