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Revision as of 03:19, 5 November 2014


note: This article was translated from Streaming_JSON/de German on 20141002 using Google Translate. Minor edits have been made.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based, standardized data format. As the name implies, JSON documents are valid JavaScript code where they can be directly converted into objects there. But in and of itself can be used regardless of the programming language used for data exchange.

This tutorial explains how to load JSON data in a Free-Pascal program to process them there; It also explains how to convert the data from the program in JSON (to send it then for example to a web browser).

General and conditions

Loading and storing objects is done with the Unit fpjsonrtti . Furthermore, the Classes unit is useful (more on this below in the section data structure ⇓ , The uses statement should therefore contain at least these two units:

uses Classes, fpjsonrtti;

At the present time (May 2014) there are some differences to the streaming system of Free Pascal:

  • JSON data are case-sensitive (case insensitive). 1 It follows that the properties of the Free Pascal objects as JSON properties must be written exactly.
  • It can be defined with DefineProperties no properties; it can be stored on methods (event handlers) no references. 2
  • TCollection and TStrings could be used as a substitute for arrays.

Demo programs are provided with the source code of Free Pascal Compiler. On linux this is typically /usr/share/fpc/{vers}/packages/fcl-json/examples.

As an example, we will start with the following JSON data:

  "id"     : 123,                                                // an Integer
  "obj"    : { "name": "Hallo Welt!" },                          // an Object
  "coll"   : [ { "name": "Objekt 1" }, { "name": "Object 2" } ], // two objects in a TCollection 
  "strings": [ "Hallo 1", "Hallo 2" ]                            // a string list

This can be assigned in FreePascal using a constant assignment as follows:

'  "id": 123,'+LineEnding+
'  "obj": { "name": "Hallo Welt!" },'+LineEnding+
'  "coll": [ { "name": "Objekt 1" }, { "name": "Objekt 2" } ],'+LineEnding+
'  "strings": [ "Hallo 1", "Hallo 2" ]'+LineEnding+

Data Structure

As the base class for the data itself provides TPersistent on from the Classes unit, since for them and all subclasses Laufzeit-Typinformationen (RTTI) to be created. These are absolutely required for streaming. Since fpjsonrtti not integrated into the streaming system, any other class that the compiler switch {$M+} was translated, are used.

All properties must be read as a property in published section of the class are declared. In general, (the variable) may here with read and write directly to a data field will refer. If you want to, of course getter and setter methods can be used.

From the JSON structure results in the following class definition.

  TNameObject = class(TCollectionItem) // class for the property 'obj' and the TCollection 
    fName: String;
    property name: String read fName write fName;

  TBaseObject = class(TPersistent)  // class for the JSON structure
    fid: Integer;
    fObj: TNameObject;
    fColl: TCollection;
    fStrings: TStrings;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
  published  // all properties have published 
    property id: Integer read fid write fid;
    property obj: TNameObject read fObj write fObj;
    property coll: TCollection read fColl;
    property strings: TStrings read fStrings;

The class TNameObject is of TCollectionItem derived. So they can both for the property obj be used as well in the collection. If this is not desired, here two different classes must be defined.

In the constructor of the class TBaseObject the TCollection and the string list must be created and released in the destructor.

constructor TBaseObject.Create;
  // Collection and StringList constructor
  fColl    := TCollection.Create(TNameObject);
  fStrings := TStringList.Create;
  fObj     := TNameObject.Create(nil);

destructor TBaseObject.Destroy;
  // Collection and StringList destructor
  inherited Destroy;

If you do not want any more functionality in the data classes, their definition is already done.


With the method Procedure JSONToObject(Const JSON : TJSONStringType; AObject : TObject); the class TJSONDeStreamer you can JSON data directly to an existing assigned object. Before you call the method, you must create TJSONDeStreamer and the target object.

The following method loads the data from the JSON structure JSON_TESTDATA in the o object and returns the current values ​​of the properties then on the console.

procedure DeStreamTest;
  DeStreamer: TJSONDeStreamer;
  o: TBaseObject;
  no: TNameObject;
  s: String;
  WriteLn('DeStream test');

  // DeStreamer object and target object create 
  DeStreamer := TJSONDeStreamer.Create(nil);
  o := TBaseObject.Create;
    // JSON data in the object o Load 
    DeStreamer.JSONToObject(JSON_TESTDATA, o);
    // ID
    // Object-Name
    // Print the names of all objects
    for TCollectionItem(no) in o.coll do
    // all strings output 
    for s in o.strings do

  // Cleanup

JSON store

To convert an object into a JSON text, the class TJSONStreamer is used. Here is the method Function ObjectToJSONString(AObject : TObject) : TJSONStringType; used.

In the following procedure, an object is created, filled with the test data, and then transferred to JSON. The JSON text is printed to the console. It can not be defined, the order in which the properties are to spend

procedure StreamTest;
  Streamer: TJSONStreamer;
  o: TBaseObject;
  JSONString: String;
  WriteLn('Stream test');

  Streamer := TJSONStreamer.Create(nil);
  o := TBaseObject.Create;
    // Data set
    o.id := 123;
    o.obj.name := 'Hallo Welt!';
    TNameObject(o.coll.Add).name := 'Objekt 1';
    TNameObject(o.coll.Add).name := 'Objekt 2';
    o.strings.Add('Hallo 1');
    o.strings.Add('Hallo 2');

    Streamer.Options := Streamer.Options + [jsoTStringsAsArray]; // Strings als JSON-Array ausgeben
    // JSON convert and output
    JSONString := Streamer.ObjectToJSONString(o);

  // Cleanup


With the presented knowledge simple and complex JSON data structures in Free Pascal can be loaded. Should any preparatory or finishing the JSON data be necessary, the text data can initially with the classTJSONParser from the Unit jsonparser be loaded into a JSON data structure and then with the Unit fpJSON be manipulated.

Use the Options property of the class TJSONStreamer can be controlled, such as the issue's own data structures are represented in JSON.

See Also

Notes & References