Migration to mantis

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Revision as of 16:50, 15 May 2006 by FPK (talk | contribs)
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The FPC bug repository will be migrated to mantis. This page collects the necessary steps to do so.

The current FPC bug db has the following fields with the given mapping:

BugId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment => custom field old bug id Title varchar(128) default NULL => Summary Name varchar(80) => Additional information Email varchar(80) => Additional information AddDAte date FixDate date Fixer varchar(80) => Fixer account FixVersion varchar(30) Category tinyint(4) Descr => description Prog text, => program upload Status` enum('Unfixed','Fixed','Unreproducable','Not a bug') default 'Unfixed', BugVersion varchar(8) bugtype tinyint(4) `comment` text, os varchar(10)