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==== TA3nalogGauge ====
==== TA3nalogGauge ====
[[image:ta3naloggauge.png]] A component for displaying floating point values like with an analog voltmeter. Uses the supersampling anti-aliasing algorithm for improvement the image quality. (The "A3" in the component name stands for "anti-aliased analog".)
Original author: Irnis Haliullin (http://www.irnis.net/, URL no longer valid), Lazarus port and extended by Werner Pamler
License: ''"This component is free for use in any purposes."''
* '''Properties'''
** <tt>Angle: Integer</tt>: Defines the anglular range over which the meter's display needle can move. Default: <tt>120</tt>.
** <tt>AntiAliased: TAntiAliased = (aaNone, aaBiline, aaTriline, aaQuadral)</tt>: selects the supersampling anti-aliasing algorithm to improve display quality. Default: <tt>aaNone</tt> (no anti-aliasing). Note that higher supersampling results in lower display refresh rate.
** <tt>ArrowColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the meter's pointer needle. Default: <tt>clBlack</tt>
** <tt>ArrowWidth: Integer</tt>: Pen width, in pixels, used for drawing the meter's pointer needle. Default: <tt>1</tt>
** <tt>Caption: String</tt>: Text displayed inside the meter face, for example to indicate the measured quantity ('Voltage', or 'Current')
** <tt>CaptionColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the text displayed inside the meter face. Default: <tt>clBlack</tt>
** <tt>CaptionFont: TFont</tt>: Font used to draw the text inside the meter face.
** <tt>CenterColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the circle from where the meter needle originates. Default: <tt>clDkGray</tt>.
** <tt>CenterRadius: Integer</tt>: Radius of the circle at which the needle is attached. Default: <tt>8</tt>
** <tt>CircleColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the small circles drawn at the labeled scale positions. Default: <tt>clBlue</tt>
** <tt>CircleRadius: Integer</tt>: Radius of the small circles drawn at the labeled scale positions. Default: <tt>3</tt>
** <tt>FaceColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the meter face (background color). Default: <tt>clBtnFace</tt>
** <tt>FaceOptions: TFaceOptions</tt>: A set of options which can be used to turn elements of the meter control on or off. <tt>TFaceOption = (foShowMargin, foShowCircles, foShowMainTicks, foShowSubTicks, foShowIndicatorMin, foShowIndicatorMid, foShowIndicatorMax, foShowValues, foShowCenter, foShowFrame, foShow3D, foShowCaption) </tt>. Default: <tt>[foShowMainTicks, foShowSubTicks, foShowIndicatorMax, foShowValues, foShowCenter, foShowFrame, foShow3D, foShowCaption]</tt>
** <tt>IndMaximum: Integer</tt>: Maximum value of the "normal" range. Default: <tt>80</tt>
** <tt>IndMinimum: Integer</tt>: Minimum value of the "normal" range. Default: <tt>20</tt>
** <tt>LengthMainTicks: Integer</tt>: Length of the main (labeled) ticks at the scale of the meter. Default: <tt>15</tt>
** <tt>LengthSubTicks: Integer</tt>: Length of the minor (unlabeled) ticks at the scale of the meter. Default: <tt>8</tt>
** <tt>Margin: Integer</tt>: Distance between the outermost parts of scale/center and the LCL bounds of the control. Default: <tt>10</tt>
** <tt>MarginColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the rectangle drawn around the outermost parts of the scale if the option <tt>foShowMargin</tt> is included in the <tt>FaceOptions</tt>
** <tt>MaxColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the segment at the meter scale between <tt>IndMaximum</tt> and <tt>ScaleMax</tt> to highlight the "higher-than-normal" range. Default: <tt>clRed</tt>
** <tt>MidColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the center segment at the meter scale between <tt>IndMinimum</tt> and <tt>IndMaximum</tt> to highlight the "normal" range. Default: <tt>clYellow</tt>
** <tt>MinColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the segment at the meter scale between <tt>IndMinimum</tt> and <tt>ScaleMin</tt> to highlight the "lower-than-normal" range. Default: <tt>clGreen</tt>
** <tt>NumberMainTicks: Integer</tt>: Number of main (labeled) ticks drawn at the meter scale. Default: <tt>5</tt>
** <tt>Position: single</tt>: Value for the needle position. Must be between <tt>ScaleMin</tt> and <tt>ScaleMax</tt>.
** <tt>ScaleMax: Integer</tt>: Highest value which can be displayed by the meter. Default: <tt>100</tt>.
** <tt>ScaleMin: Integer</tt>: Smallest value which can be displayed by the meter. Default: <tt>0</tt>.
** <tt>Style: TStyle = (agsLeftStyle, agsRightStyle, agsCenterStyle)</tt>: Characterizes the orientation of the meter scale with respect to the center of the needle. Default: <tt>agsCenterStyle</tt> (the needle begins at the center of the scale). In option <tt>agsLeftStyle</tt>, the needle begins at the left side of the scale, in option <tt>agsRightStyle</tt>, at the right side of the scale.
** <tt>TextDist: Integer</tt>: Distance between the tick labels and the ticks at the meter's scale. Default: <tt>10</tt>.
** <tt>TicksColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the ticks drawn at the meter's scale. Default: <tt>clBlack</tt>
** <tt>ValueColor: TColor</tt>: Color of the numbers at the main ticks. Default: <tt>clBlack</tt>
* '''Events'''
** <tt>OnOverMax: TNotifyEvent</tt>: Fires when the <tt>Position</tt> value is greater than the <tt>IndMaximum</tt> value.
** <tt>OnOverMin: TNotifyEvent</tt>: Fires when the <tt>Position</tt> value is less than then <tt>IndMinimum</tt> value.
* '''Demo project'''
** In folder ''Example/OnOffSwitch_Knob_Sample''
** In folder ''Example/A3nalogGaugeSample''
==== TindGnouMeter ====
==== TindGnouMeter ====

Revision as of 23:46, 27 March 2023



The Industrial package contains a set of industrial-themed components, such as LED indicators, seven-segment displays, analog gauges, thermometer gauges, knob, on/off switch, etc.

Download and Installation

  • Released version distributed by the Online Package Manager: check the "IndustrialStuff" item in the Online Package manager, click the "Install" button and follow the instructions.
  • Development version on Lazarus CCR (svn):
  • In the Lazarus IDE, open the file industrial.lpk in "Package" > "Open Package File (.lpk)" and click on "Use" > "Install". Allow to rebuild the IDE.
  • When Lazarus restarts after the installation the components are on palette Industrial.


Since the components contained in the industrial package originate from various authors there is no general, package-wide license. Licenses used are MPL, GPL and modified LGPL. Please check the unit headers for the license of the component that you want to use.


LED Indicators


TAdvLED.png Indicator light as LED or light bulb

  • Properties
    • Kind (enumeration TLEDKind = (lkRedLight, lkGreenLight, lkYellowLight, lkBulb, lkCustom)): red, green or yellow LED, or light bulb, or LED in adjustable colors as defined by the GlyphDisabled, GlyphOff and GlyphOn properties.
    • State (enumeration TLEDState = (lsDisabled, lsOff, lsOn)): Indicator is disabled (gray), OFF (dark color) or ON (bright color).
    • Blink: boolean: The LED toggles automatically between ON and OFF states. The duration during which the LED is in each state is given by the property BlinkDuration (in milliseconds).
    • FlashMode (enumeration TFlashMode = (fmFlashOffToOn, fmFlashOnToOff)): Defines whether the Flashmethod causes a transition from OFF to ON, or from ON to OFF.
  • Methods
    • procedure Toggle: Switches between the states of the indicator (unless State is lsDisabled).
    • procedure Flash(ADuration: Integer): The indicator flashes for the ADuration time (in milliseconds) to the other state and then returns to the current state again. Whether the transition is from OFF to ON or from ON to OFF is specified by the FlashMode property.
  • Demo project
    • in folder TAdvLED of the installation folder.


TIndLED.png LED indicator with configurable shape and color. Can be grouped with others so that only one LED of that group is active.

  • Properties
    • Bevels: a collection of TcyBevel items defining bevels around the LED (raised/lowered, left/top/right/bottom, highlight and shadow color, as well as bevel width)
    • GroupIndex: Integer: in a group of LEDs sharing the same non-zero GroupIndex only a single LED can be lit. When AllowAllOff is true all LEDs of this group can be turned OFF, otherwise there must always be one LED which is ON.
    • LedColorDisabled, TLedColorOff, TLedColorOn (type TColor): colors of the LED in the disabled, OFF and ON states, respectively.
    • LedValue: boolean: determines whether the LED is ON (true) or OFF (false).
    • ShapeType (enumeration TShapeType = (stRectangle, stRoundRect, stEllipse)): shape of the LED. In case of stRoundRect the corner radius is determined by ShapeRoundRectX and ShapeRoundRectY.
    • ShapeLedColorDisabled, ShapeLedColorOff, ShapeLedColorOn (type TColor): pen color of the border of the LED shape.



tlednumber.png 14-segment LED display for alpha-numeric text.

Based on a component contained in the TurboPower VisualPlanIt library. Lazarus port by Jurassic Pork.

License: MIT.

  • Properties
    • BgColor: TColor: Specifies the color of the display's background (default: clBlack)
    • Borderstyle (Enumeration TLedNumberBorderStyle = (lnbNone, lnbSingle, lnbSunken, lnbRaised): Defines the border around the control.
    • Caption: string: String to be displayed by the component. Note that TLEDNumber is able to display only the following characters: ' ', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0'..'9', '<', '>', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', ':'. Other characters are replaced by spaces.
    • Columns: Integer; Rows: Integer: The Caption is displayed in predefined cells of a grid consisting of as many columns and rows as specified by these properties.
    • OffColor: TColor: Specifies the color of the un-lit (darkended) segments.
    • OnColor: TColor: Specifies the color of the lit (bright) segments.
    • Size: Integer: Size of the display. To be exact, this is the width of the segments in pixels. Allowed values are between 2 and 10.
    • Slanted: Boolean: If true, the characters are drawn slanted by the amound specified in the SlantAngle property.
    • Transparent: boolean: If true, the display's background (BgColor) is not painted.
    • ZeroToO: boolean: If true, zero digits ('0') are not drawn with the inner slash and thus are identical with the upper-case 'O'.


tlcddisplay 150.png



tanalogsensor.png Analog display which can be configured to have a round or linear scale. Display ranges can be indicated in different colors.

Original author: Mike Skolnik (http://www.scalabium.com), Lazarus port by Jurassic Pork.

License: "My components are freeware for private and commercial use so you may use any in your applications but without any warranties from my side."

  • Properties
    • AnalogKind (enumeration TAnalogKind = (akAnalog, akHorizontal, akVertical)): type of the display: round scale (akAnalog) or horizontal (akHorizontal) / vertical (akVertical) thermometer-like linear scale
    • ColorBack: TColor: Color of the display background (default: black)
    • ColorFore: TColor: Color of the display "foreground"; the fraction of the area painted by the ColorFore corresponds to the displayed Value (default: bright green).
    • ColorRed, ColorYellow (type TColor): Color of two lines indicating special data ranges, e.g. value too small or value too high. Default: red and yellow, respectively. These lines are displayed when the ShowLevel property is true
    • ShowLevel: boolean: If true, two lines indicating special data conditions are displayed.
    • ShowText: boolean: Displays the numerical Value below the display.
    • Value: integer: Displayed number (corresponds to the area drawn in color ColorFore)
    • ValueMax: Integer: Maximum value that can be displayed
    • ValueMin: Integer: Minimum value that can be displayed
    • ValueRed, ValueYellow: Integer: Values displayed as the position of the indicator lines drawn in color ColorRed and ColorYellow, respectively.
    • Caption: string: Text displayed in front of the value when ShowText is true.
  • Methods
    • SetColorState(slStopLight: TStopLights): Changes the color of the Caption and the Value as specified by the parameter slStopLights: TStopLights = (slUNKNOWN, slRED, slYELLOW, slGREEN).
  • Demo project
    • in folder Example/AnalogSensor

AnalogSensor Demo.png


ta3naloggauge.png A component for displaying floating point values like with an analog voltmeter. Uses the supersampling anti-aliasing algorithm for improvement the image quality. (The "A3" in the component name stands for "anti-aliased analog".)

Original author: Irnis Haliullin (http://www.irnis.net/, URL no longer valid), Lazarus port and extended by Werner Pamler

License: "This component is free for use in any purposes."

  • Properties
    • Angle: Integer: Defines the anglular range over which the meter's display needle can move. Default: 120.
    • AntiAliased: TAntiAliased = (aaNone, aaBiline, aaTriline, aaQuadral): selects the supersampling anti-aliasing algorithm to improve display quality. Default: aaNone (no anti-aliasing). Note that higher supersampling results in lower display refresh rate.
    • ArrowColor: TColor: Color of the meter's pointer needle. Default: clBlack
    • ArrowWidth: Integer: Pen width, in pixels, used for drawing the meter's pointer needle. Default: 1
    • Caption: String: Text displayed inside the meter face, for example to indicate the measured quantity ('Voltage', or 'Current')
    • CaptionColor: TColor: Color of the text displayed inside the meter face. Default: clBlack
    • CaptionFont: TFont: Font used to draw the text inside the meter face.
    • CenterColor: TColor: Color of the circle from where the meter needle originates. Default: clDkGray.
    • CenterRadius: Integer: Radius of the circle at which the needle is attached. Default: 8
    • CircleColor: TColor: Color of the small circles drawn at the labeled scale positions. Default: clBlue
    • CircleRadius: Integer: Radius of the small circles drawn at the labeled scale positions. Default: 3
    • FaceColor: TColor: Color of the meter face (background color). Default: clBtnFace
    • FaceOptions: TFaceOptions: A set of options which can be used to turn elements of the meter control on or off. TFaceOption = (foShowMargin, foShowCircles, foShowMainTicks, foShowSubTicks, foShowIndicatorMin, foShowIndicatorMid, foShowIndicatorMax, foShowValues, foShowCenter, foShowFrame, foShow3D, foShowCaption) . Default: [foShowMainTicks, foShowSubTicks, foShowIndicatorMax, foShowValues, foShowCenter, foShowFrame, foShow3D, foShowCaption]
    • IndMaximum: Integer: Maximum value of the "normal" range. Default: 80
    • IndMinimum: Integer: Minimum value of the "normal" range. Default: 20
    • LengthMainTicks: Integer: Length of the main (labeled) ticks at the scale of the meter. Default: 15
    • LengthSubTicks: Integer: Length of the minor (unlabeled) ticks at the scale of the meter. Default: 8
    • Margin: Integer: Distance between the outermost parts of scale/center and the LCL bounds of the control. Default: 10
    • MarginColor: TColor: Color of the rectangle drawn around the outermost parts of the scale if the option foShowMargin is included in the FaceOptions
    • MaxColor: TColor: Color of the segment at the meter scale between IndMaximum and ScaleMax to highlight the "higher-than-normal" range. Default: clRed
    • MidColor: TColor: Color of the center segment at the meter scale between IndMinimum and IndMaximum to highlight the "normal" range. Default: clYellow
    • MinColor: TColor: Color of the segment at the meter scale between IndMinimum and ScaleMin to highlight the "lower-than-normal" range. Default: clGreen
    • NumberMainTicks: Integer: Number of main (labeled) ticks drawn at the meter scale. Default: 5
    • Position: single: Value for the needle position. Must be between ScaleMin and ScaleMax.
    • ScaleMax: Integer: Highest value which can be displayed by the meter. Default: 100.
    • ScaleMin: Integer: Smallest value which can be displayed by the meter. Default: 0.
    • Style: TStyle = (agsLeftStyle, agsRightStyle, agsCenterStyle): Characterizes the orientation of the meter scale with respect to the center of the needle. Default: agsCenterStyle (the needle begins at the center of the scale). In option agsLeftStyle, the needle begins at the left side of the scale, in option agsRightStyle, at the right side of the scale.
    • TextDist: Integer: Distance between the tick labels and the ticks at the meter's scale. Default: 10.
    • TicksColor: TColor: Color of the ticks drawn at the meter's scale. Default: clBlack
    • ValueColor: TColor: Color of the numbers at the main ticks. Default: clBlack
  • Events
    • OnOverMax: TNotifyEvent: Fires when the Position value is greater than the IndMaximum value.
    • OnOverMin: TNotifyEvent: Fires when the Position value is less than then IndMinimum value.
  • Demo project
    • In folder Example/OnOffSwitch_Knob_Sample
    • In folder Example/A3nalogGaugeSample

A3Gauge Demo.png



Control Elements


tmknob.png Emulates the volume knob found on some HiFi devices.

Original author: Marco Caselli (mcaselli@iname.com). Lazarus port and extended by Werner Pamler.

License: "Feel free to use or give away this software as you see fit. Please leave the credits in place if you alter the source."

  • Properties
    • AllowUserDrag: Boolean: If true, the user can drag the control to a new value by using the mouse.
    • AngleRange: TKnobAngleRange = (arTop270, arTop180, arTop120, arTop90, arBottom270, arBottom180, arBottom120, arBottom90, arLeft270, arLeft180, arLeft120, arLeft90, arRight270, arRight180, arRight120, arRight90): Defines the sector of the full circle over which the knob can be rotated. Default: arTop270
    • FaceColor: TColor: Color of the knob's face
    • MarkSize: Integer: Size of the tick mark. Depending on the value of the MarkSizeKind property, the size is given either as percentage of the knob's enclosing rectangle size, or in pixels. Default: 20%
    • MarkSizeKind: TKnobMarkSizeKind = (mskPercentage, mskPixels): Determines whether the knob's tick mark size is given as percentage or in pixels. Default: mskPercentage
    • MarkStyle: TKnobMarkStyle = (msLine, msCircle, msTriangle): Specifies the style of the tick mark: line, circle, or triangle. Default: msLine
    • Max: integer: Upper limit value for Position. Default: 100
    • Min: integer: Lower limit value for Position. Default: 0
    • Position: Integer: Current position of the knob ("value")
    • RotationEffect: Boolean: If true, the knob will shake emulating a visual effect of rotation. Default: false
    • Shadow: Boolean: If true, a shadow is drawn in the ShadowColor at the bottom/right side of the knob.
    • ShadowColor: TColor: Color of the knob shadow.
    • TickColor: TColor: Color of the tick's mark
    • Transparent: Boolean: If false, the outer area of the control's client rectangle will be painted in the Color specified in the corresponding property, otherwise it is transparent.
  • Events
    • OnChange: TKnobChangeEvent: This event is triggered whenever the knob's Position is changed by user interaction or by code. Besides the Sender the event has the new Position value as a parameter.
  • Demo
    • Used, among other industrial controls, in the project in the Example/OnOffSwitch_Knob_Sample folder

OnOffSwitch Knob Sample.png




