Code Conversion Guide/es

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Guía de conversión de código

Esta página trata sobre cómo trasladar o convertir código existente en Delphi o Kylix para que trabaje con el compilador Free Pascal (FPC) y el IDE Lazarus. Aunque Lazarus y el Free Pascal Compiler tienen aspectos en común con Delphi y Kylix, no son clones. Hay numerosas diferencias en las llamadas a librerías y en las convenciones utilizadas... y en muchas otras áreas, FPC es más rico y puede ser más exigente sobre la corrección de la sintaxis. Por favor leéte Lazarus For Delphi Users una guí despcriptiva de muchas de las diferencias de funcionamiento.

El proposito de esta guía es documentar algunas diferencias específicas que son frecuentes encontrar en el proceso de conversión de código al traladar código existente desde Delphi a FPF/Lazarus.

Este documento se ha ubicado en la zona de 'wiki base de conocimientos' por lo que puede ser fácilmente ampliado por cualquiera que se haya tropezado con un problema singular y quiera poner su experiencia en común con otras personas.

Seleccionar un componente o librería para convertir

Dónde encontrar código para convertir

Existe una gran cantidad de código disponible en la red que puede ser convertido para el uso con FPC y Lazarus. Esta página Page Of Code Sites es sólo un comienzo. Por favor, añada cualquier ubicación buena que conozca. TurboPower Software ha publicado recientemente la totalidad de su oferta comercial bajo la licencia MPL. Una lista de los paquetes disponibles se encuentra aquí.

Para evitar duplicar esfuerzos, los paquetes que ya han sido convertidos están listados en la página Components and Code examples. Si has convertido un paquete o estás trabajando en ello, haz una reseña en la página Current conversion projects.


Las licencias del código existente varían desde libre/dominio público hasta versiones restrictivas que prohiben modificar, redistribuir y el uso comercial. Antes de convertir un un paquete, es conveniente examinar los téminos de su licencia y asegurarse de que es compatible con Lazarus y FPC. La selección de la licencia es especialmente importante con componentes, cuya mera ubicación en un formulario puede imponer una licencia no deseada o incompatible para toda la aplicación.

Cuando conviertas componentes, respeta los téminos del autor original y mantén todos los derechos de autor y los encabezados de licencia con sus direcciones de corrreo y url. Es cortés y a veces muy útil informar al autor de que sus componente va a ser convertido... especialmente si el componente está bajo una licencia restrictiva. Un interés renovado sobre un componente antiguo u olvidado a menudo incita al autor a revisar las restricciones de la licencia original.

En general, Dominio Público (software libre), y LGPL/MPL son las más flexibles para distribuir componentes. Para más información, Open Source Definition es un buen sitio para empezar. Asimismo hay varias comparaciones disponibles para ayudar a clarificar el impacto que los diversos tipos de licencias de obra pueden tener sobre el código que está relacionado con el mismo. Busca sobre los téminos "licencia de fuente abierta comparación"


Otro punto previo al comienzo del trabajo de conversión, es verificar que el código no tiene una profunda dependencia de otros paquetes que podrían no estar disponibles o representan un reto considerable de conversión. Algunos desarrollos de código libre son extensiones de paquetes propietarios/cerrados, que a menudo ya no están disponibles o lo están bajo licencias inapropiadas.

Acerca del compilador

Ver (aunque parece que no funcionan):

Acerca de Sistemas Operativos y Plataformas

Lazarus y el Compilador Libre de Pascal son herramientas multiplataforma y multiarquitectura de desarrollo cruzado, es decir lo escrito en una plataforma puede compilarse ¡y funcionar! en otra. Por contra mucho código Delphi existente ha sido diseñado específicamente para correr sobre la plataforma Intel+Win32. Si el componente candidato tiene mucho código específico win32, tal vez sea más conveniente buscar otra alternativa menos dependiente de la plataforma. Pero no te detengas por ello... ¡es verdaderamente sorprendente lo que el LCL soporta!


Configurando el entorno de Lazarus para un proyecto de conversión

Crear un proyecto de prueba

  • Poner el código a convertir en un subdirectorio (convertdir, por ejemplo)
  • Desde Lazarus crear un proyecto nuevo.
  • Guardar (Archivo->Guardar Todo) en el subdirectorio convertdir. Poner nombres significativos a este proyecto y a su unidad principal es optativo.
  • Abrir la unidad principal del proyecto a convertir.
  • Añadirla al proyecto: Proyecto->Añadir archivo del Editor al Proyecto
  • Utilice Herramientas->Chequeo Rápido de la sintaxis o bien Ejecutar->Construir todo para empezar.

Cuestiones iniciales a tener en cuenta

  • Las series 1.0.x del compilador distinguen en los nombres de fichero mayúsculas y minúsculas. Si se trabaja con esta versión, es conveniente poner todos los nombres en minúsculas. En caso contrario se producirá el error "Archivo no encontrado"

Código fuente Delphi VCL y Kylix CLX en Lazarus

Al convertir código fuente Delphi / Kylix, a menudo es útil mirar la declaración para comprobar lo que hace una función concreta. El IDE de Lazarus puede analizar el código Delphi / Kylix. Para ello es necesario configurar las opciones del compilador y las rutas de búqueda. Esto hace más fácilmente utilizando plantillas de proyecto: Entorno->Definir editor de CodeTools->Insertar plantilla.

Conversion problems and solutions

Delphi / Kylix file equivalents in Lazarus

Delphi / Kylix Description Lazarus Description



.dpr(main project file),






Delphi Source File,

Delphi Form,

Delphi Compiled Unit,

Delphi Project,

Windows Resource File,

Delphi Option File

.pas, .pp







.lpi(main project file),


Pascal unit file,

Form data file,

Compiled unit file,

Project file,

Resource file,

Project options file,

Lazarus resource file,

Lazarus project information file,

FPC unit description file

Así pués un archivo .dcu de Delphi contiene, más o menos, la información de los archivos .o y .ppu de FPC. Un .ppu es principalmente la cabecera (interfaz), y el .o la parte de la implementación. Las funciones "en línea" (inline) que residen en el .ppu, son la principal excepción a esta regla.

Convirtiendo proyectos/formularios/unidades de DElphi a Lazarus

Cambia el nombre o copia el archivo .dpr a un .lpr. Comenta o elimina la directiva

{$R *.res}

y añade la directiva

{$mode delphi}{$H+}

o bien esta otra

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

en el .lpr. El IDE de Lazarus ayuda en esta cuestión en la opción del menú Herramientas "Convertir proyecto de DElphi a proyecto de Lazarus...". En ella se pide un .dpr (proyecto Delphi) y lo convierte en un .lpr; además, crea el archivo. lpi archivo y convierte todas las demás unidades.

Muchos formularios de Delphi se puden convertir para trabajar en Lazarus utilizando el asistente del IDE, que se encuentra en el menú Herramientas como tema "Convertir archivo DFM a LFM". Utilice el diálogo, seleccione el dfm y el convertidor hará el resto.

Si necesitas convertir una unidad (con o sin formulario), Lazarus incluye una opción "Convertir unidad de Delphi a unidada de Lazarus" que haá por tí lo siguiente:

  1. poner en minúsculas los nombre de archivo de inclusiones y de la sección uses.
  2. convierte el .dfm a .lfm (normalmente sin comprobar el contenido, únicamente el formato)
  3. crea un .lrs vacío (el contenido se creará después)
  4. añade la directiva
    {$mode delphi}
  5. sustituye la rferencia a la unidad windows por LCLIntf
  6. añade la unidad LResources si es preciso (si de usa .lrs
    uses LResources
    se pondrá en la sección de implementación)
  7. elimina las unidades variants
  8. elimina la directiva
    {$R *.dfm}
  9. crea la sección de inicialización y añade en ella la directiva
    {$i unit.lrs}

Esto permite una rápida y fácil conversión de la mayoría de las unidades de Delphi a Lazarus. No se realiza ninguna validación ni cambios automáticos de sintaxis, por lo que cualquier cambio en la sintaxis se hará manualmente, así como de unidades referenciadas, sustitución de algunos componentes,..., aunque hay asistentes de ayuda disponibles para facilitar esta tarea, especialmente en el caso de la reparación de formularios (.lfm)

Seleccionar el modo correcto de compilación

El compilador FPC soporta 5 modos diferentes de pascal. Por ejemplo, TP para turbo pascal, que permite compilar unidades turbo pascal. Está también el modo de compatibilidad DELPHI, cuya utilización permite una fácil conversión del código existente. El modo preferido en Lazarus es OBJFPC, muy parecido a DELPHI pero menos ambiguo en la sintaxis. Estos son puntos importantes:

El modo se puede seleccionar en la línea de ordenes o al principio del código fuente. Utillizar la línea de ordenes tien la ventaja de que no hay que cambiar el código fuente, pero la desventaja de que hay que documentarlo para los demás.

Muchas unidades DELPHI compilan con FPC añadiendo a las mismas


inmediatamente a continuación del nombre de la unidad.

Para más detalles acerca de los modos de Free Pascal FPC ver Documentación de Free Pascal

Cross-Platform considerations

  • Inline assembler is always a problem because it will bind the code to the Intel architecture. Some developers do algorithm prototypes in Pascal and ifdef the their optimized assembler. Fortunately TurboPower did this in numerous places with their code. If this is the case with the package you're converting, throw the switch back to Pascal.
  • Don't reference specific memory location like the BIOS data area. Find out what the code needs and try to find a cross platform alternative.
  • Don't do processor specific tricks (like using the Intel TSC) without enclosing your code in an ifdef for the platform the code needs... and providing an alternative for environments that don't have the hardware capability.
  • If you need some OS specific code, then you can use IFDEFs. See below for a list of macros.

Useful compiler variables / defines / makros

To write code, that behaves on different systems differently, you can use the

{$IFDEF Name}


  • {$IfDef FPC}

This variable is defined, when using the FPC compiler. Useful to write code, that works with FPC and Delphi. For compatibility reasons FPC defines the DELPHI makro in mode Delphi. So you can not use {$IFNDEF DELPHI}.

  • {$IfDef LCL}

This variable is defined, when using the LCL package. Useful to write code, that works with the LCL and Delphi.

  • {$IfDef LCLGtk}
    {$IfDef LCLWin32}
    {$IfDef LCLQt}
    , ...

This variable is defined, when using the LCL package and the specific widgetset is currently used. Useful to write code, that works with the LCL on a specific platform.

  • {$IfDef Unix}
    {$IfDef Win32}
    , ...

Defined by FPC for the current Target OS. Delphi defines "Linux", "Win32" and "MSWindows". Free Pascal runs on much more platforms and so it is recommended to use the more general items. For example "Unix" is defined for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD, where Lazarus already runs. Use for code that should work with Delphi and FPC:

{$IfDef Linux}
  {$Define Unix}

to work around this for Kylix.

  • {$IfDef ENDIAN_BIG}

This variable is defined on processors like the powerpc (for example older Apple computer, e.g. till MacOSX 10.2) that have the reversed byte order than intel compatible processors.

  • {$IfDef ENDIAN_BIG}

For more details see the Free Pascal Documentation.

32bit / 64 bit support

Pointers under 64bit need 8 bytes instead of 4 on 32bit. The 'Integer' type remains for compatibility 32bit. This means you can no longer typecast pointers into integers and back. FPC defines two new types: PtrInt and PtrUInt. PtrInt is a 32bit signed integer on 32 bit platforms and a 64bit signed integer on 64bit platforms. The same for PtrUInt, but unsigned integer instead. Use for code that should work with Delphi and FPC:

   PtrInt = integer;
   PtrUInt = cardinal;

Replace all integer(SomePointerOrObject) with PtrInt(SomePointerOrObject).

Finding a missing identifier

There are differences in how the LCL is organized when compared to the Delphi VCL. If you get a "not found" compiler error about a major class or identifier, the chances are good that it's in a different unit. A complete cross reference can be found by grep'ing lazarus/docs/xml or the lcl subdirectory.

For example the commonly used tbutton typically throws an error in Delphi code because it's located in a unit named buttons.pp. The following command finds the correct unit very quickly (in the lazarus source directory):

 grep -in ' tbutton =' lcl/*

Major unit differences between Lazarus and Delphi

Please add to this topic!

  • Windows->Interfaces, LCLIntf, LCLType, LCLProc, VCLGlobals, ...)

As the LCL is not windows specific, the code that is in the Delphi Windows unit for directly accessing the Win32 API is abstracted into seperate interfaces, which can be accessed from the LCLIntf unit. Keep in mind, that Lazarus does not emulate win32, so many functions are missing and some do not work as their win32 counterparts. These functions only exist for Delphi compatibility and should only be used for quick & dirty porting. LCL also breaks out many of the types, so often LCLType, and sometimes VCLGlobals are required. LCLProc also contains a few functions which can be useful for lower level handling such as "FreeThenNil" as is in Delphi 5 and higher, "DeleteAmpersands" to remove additional ampersands from a string for controls(& vs && etc). The Interfaces unit needs to be included in the .lpr file to initialize the appropriate widgetset.

  • Messages->LMessages

TControl Messages for win32 event callbacks of the format WM_CALLBACK and the structs associated with them are often found in the Messages unit in Delphi. In the LCL these types of messages and there structs are usually found in LMessages, usually with name changes of WM to LM, so for instance WM_MOUSEENTER becomes LM_MOUSEENTER, and TWMMouse becomes TLMMouse.

  • Graphics, Controls->GraphTypes, GraphMath, Graphics, Controls

To simplify some things and break complexity of circles between units, a few types have been abstracted into a shared unit called GraphType, which includes things, which in Delphi are located in Graphics or Controls, for instance the bvNone etc of panels. So sometimes you have to include it. Also a unit which, although incompatible with Delphi, adds other useful functionality is GraphMath, which adds a TFloatPoint for precision, misc routines for dealing with beziers, lines, and arcs, as well as some operator overloading for use with TPoints and TRect, such as for instance Point1 := Point2 + Point3, and comparing two rects like if (rect1 = rect2) then ...

  • Mask->MaskEdit

For more intelligent naming considerations, the unit for TMaskEdit is called [MaskEdit|] instead of the slightly more nebulous Mask as in many versions of Delphi.

  • StdCtrls->StdCtrls,Buttons

In many version of Delphi TButton is located in StdCtrls, while TSpeedButton and TBitBtn are in Buttons. For consistency and simplicity the LCL puts all button types in Buttons, which can occasionally break code conversion, so it is always a good idea to include.

Property and method differences Delphi -> FPC/LCL

Semantical differences

Order of parameter evaluation

Delphi guarantees that all parameters are evaluated from left to right. FPC makes no such guarantee, and can evaluate parameters in any order it wants in order to generate optimal code.

Nested procedures/functions as procedural variables

Delphi passes the framepointer of the parent procedure always on the stack, and has the caller remove it again. This means that as long as you do not access variables from a parent procedure, you can pass the address of a nested function to another function which then can call it like any other procedural variable.

FPC on the other hand always passes the framepointer of the parent procedure as a hidden first parameter according to the current calling convention, which means that if you call a nested procedure like a regular procedural variable, all parameters will be "shifted" one position.

In short, do not call nested procedures via procedural variables.

Syntax differences

Please add to this topic!

Because of the inherent strictness in FPC, some syntax changes are necessary, even though

{$Mode Delphi}

does allow more laziness like Delphi does. For this reason complying as much with the syntax rules of

{$Mode ObjFPC}

as possible is highly recommended, even when the codebase is still going to be shared between Delphi and the LCL. Some of these are simply better coding practices, and sometimes because Delphi mode is not entirely accurate, or in a few instances Delphi acceptible code does not function as expected with FPC, even though it might compile. To that end even though not all such are strictly required, the following list of changes should be considered mandatory :

When assigning an event handling entry point, prefix it with an "@"

For instance, you might assign a button callback manually



 if not Assigned(MyButton.OnClick) then 
   MyButton.OnClick:= SomeFunction;
   //@ not required
   //more code...

end; </delphi>



 if not Assigned(MyButton.OnClick) then
   MyButton.OnClick:= @SomeFunction;
   //@ IS required
   //more code...

end; </delphi>

When calling a procedure variable use this syntax: theprocname()

In Delphi there is no difference between a function result and a variable, however there is in FPC, so to call a function, even if it has no parameters, you must append parenthesis. For Example -


With (SomeObject) do begin

 If Assigned(OnMyCallback) then
   //parenthesis not required

end; </delphi>


With (SomeObject) do begin

 If Assigned(OnMyCallback) then
   //parenthesis required

end; </delphi>

When accessing values in a pointer to a record you must dereference first

In Delphi it is not required to de-reference a pointer to a record to access values within it, it can, in fact, be treated just like the record itself, or any other object. In FPC it must be first de-referenced. As an example,


Function GetSomeValue(ARecord: PMyRecord):Integer; begin

 If Assigned(ARecord) then

end; </delphi>


Function GetSomeValue(ARecord: PMyRecord):Integer; begin

 If Assigned(ARecord) then

end; </delphi>

When accessing chars of an indexed string Property of an object, it must be enclosed in parentheses

With Delphi it is possible to treat a Property exactly like some other const or var, even to accessing for instance individual chars of a string directly, while this is not always possible in FPC, specifically for indexed properties. Instead it must be enclosed in parentheses, to make distinct. While this may not always hold true it is probably a good practice to consider anyway. For example


Type TSomeComponent=class(TComponent)

 //More code...

Published Property MyString:String index 3 read GetMyString; //More code... End;




 If Length(MyString)>2 then
   //no parenthesis needed
   MyChar:= MyString[3];
   //More code...

end; </delphi>


Type TSomeComponent=class(TComponent) //More code... Published Property MyString:String index 3 read GetMyString; //More code... End;




 If Length(MyString)>2 then
   //parenthesis sometimes needed
   MyChar:= (MyString)[3];
   //More code...

end; </delphi>

You must typecast pointers to actual type when using with var or function of that type

Sometimes in Delphi you will have a null pointer variable representing an object. While it might seem a complex situation, it is oddly quite common especially in large component packs as a method of preventing too many circular includes between objects in different units. In Delphi it is then possible to send this null pointer to a function expecting that object, without bothering to typecast to actual type, in fpc you must typecast.

For example -


Unit 1

     //More code...
 Procedure DoSomething(Value: TSomeObject);
 Function GetSomeObject: TSomeObject;

Unit 2

   //More code...
   Published SomeObject: Pointer;
   //More code...

Application var

 MyComponent: TSomeComponent;


 //More code...

end; </delphi>


Unit 1

  //More code...
 Procedure DoSomething(Value: TSomeObject);
 Function GetSomeObject: TSomeObject;

Unit 2

 Type TSomeComponent=class(TComponent)
   //More code...
   Published SomeObject: Pointer;
   //More code...

Application var

 MyComponent: TSomeComponent;


 //More code...

end; </delphi>


Delphi resource files are win32 specific and not compatible with Lazarus, so you'll have to recreate and compile them using the lazres. Lazres can be found in the lazarus/tools subdirectory. If you've downloaded the Lazarus sources, you'll need to compile it first.

  • cd lazarus/tools
  • make install

To add a resource to your application:

  • lazres myresource.lrs mypix.xpm anotherpix.xpm
  • Add the LResources unit to your Uses clause
  • Include the .lrs file you created under the initialization block

Example: <delphi> function TForm1.LoadGlyph(const GlyphName: String): TBitMap; begin

 Result:= TPixmap.Create;

end; //More code... begin

 Speedbutton1.glyph:= LoadGlyph('mypix');
 //More code...


initialization {$I unit1.lrs} {$I myresource.lrs} end. </delphi>

Another method to convert a Delphi or Kylix project to Lazarus

  • Rename or copy all .dfm or .xfm files to .lfm (Early Delphi versions do not produce a text-based .dfm file. The convert utility, if present in the \bin folder can be used to covert the .dfm first))
  • Rename or copy .dpr file to .lpr
  • Make necessary changes to .lpr file:
  1. Add {$mode delphi}{$H+} or {$mode objfpc}{H+} directives
  2. Add 'Interfaces' to uses clause
  3. Comment out or delete {$R *.res} or directive
  • Make necessary changes to all .pas unit files:
  1. Add {$mode delphi}{$H+} or {$mode objfpc}{H+} directives
  2. Add 'LResources', and if the form has buttons, add 'Buttons' to uses clause
  3. Comment out or delete {$R *.dfm} or {$R *.xfm} directive
  4. Add 'Initialization' section at the end of each unit file, and add {$I unitname.lrs} directive in it
  • Select Project->New Project from file
  • Select the .lpr file
  • At 'Create a new project' window, choose 'Application'
  • Build project and make further necessary corrections to get proper compilation, at this point the .lpi file is generated automaticaly. You may also get 'Error reading Form' messages, click on 'Continue Loading' if you do.
  • Save all, and you have a Lazarus project :-)

Getting Help

If you encounter a problem during conversion that you just can't solve, there are a wide variety of places to get help.


For pure Object Pascal and FPC issues The best place to start is the Free Pascal Documentation by Michaël Van Canneyt and Florian Klämpfl.
For more Lazarus oriented problems The Lazarus Project Documentation in the Lazarus-CCR Knowledgebase Main Page is the next place to look.

Peer support

Mailing lists You can post a question on any of the mailing lists for the Free Pascal Compiler or the FPC forums where a lot of experts are subscribed.
If you have access to IRC: On #fpc for FPC, or #lazarus-ide for Lazarus

Knowledge bases

There are some outstanding search and knowledge bases online that can also be a great help for learning new techniques and solving problems:

  • Tamarack Associates operates a fast search engine specifically for the Borland usenet archives.
  • Mer Systems Inc. provides a similar search engine.
  • Another outstanding source of information along with a sitewide search capability is Earl F. Glynn's Computer Lab and Reference Library.

Packaging and Releasing your component

Creating a Lazarus package for your component(s)

Creating a package makes installing the code you've converted a much easier process... especially if you're providing more then one component. Mattias Gärtner has written an overview of Lazarus Packages that should be read before beginning this process.


The purpose of this site and the wiki format is to make the generation of professional documentation an easy and quick process. The wiki also makes it possible to see the results of your posting immediately and make any changes you'd like in real time.

Using the Lazarus-CCR wiki to create nice looking documentation is very easy. If you've never used wiki markup before, you can get familiar with it in the Sand Box practice area.

Creating a Code Release Page

The Code Release Page contains vital information about your component that a potential downloader will need to know, such as license, intended platform, status (alpha, beta, stable...), where to download it, who wrote it, is support available... etc.

The following procedure will let you create a Code Release Page with your browser:

  • Go to the Release new component
  • Type the name of your component in the textbox and click on Create Article
  • Fill in the template and hit save.
  • Edit the Components and Code examples page and add the link to your newly created page to the "Released Components" section. Save the modified page.

Submitting the component

If you're a release technician on the project, upload your component to the SourceForge File Release System and add it to the list of release packages. Otherwise send it to one of the project administrators (Tom Lisjac or Vincent Snijders) and we'll add it to the repository. Before we upload it to SourceForge, you have to create a Code Release Page to describe your component. You can use the Release new component page, to start creating such a page.

If you think you need to continue to develop on the component, we can also put it into SVN so you'll continue to have access to it. If we get tired from submitting your patches, we will give you write access to the SVN, so you can commit your patches yourself. For details see Using the Lazarus-ccr SVN repository.

Contributors and Changes

This page has been converted from the epikwiki version.

  • Initial version by Tom Lisjac and Mattias Gärtner - 9/22/2003 VlxAdmin
  • Moved Getting help from the main page. T. Lisjac - 9/24/2003 VlxAdmin
  • Added documentation templates, procedure and links. 9/25/2003 VlxAdmin
  • LCLLinux was renamed to LCLIntf, Jesus Reyes, 9/27/2003
  • added more information on Unit changes, AndrewJohnson 9/27/2003
  • Updated Syntax differences, including some examples, AndrewJohnson 9/27/2003
  • FPC 1.0.x doesn't support interfaces, Vincent Snijders 9/28/2003
  • Fixed some of the examples per new WikiWord definition, 9/28/2003 VlxAdmin
  • Made code more consistant to remove last accidental Pascal WikiWord definitions, AndrewJohnson 9/27/2003
  • Use tables for code examples for nice blocks, and easy side by side view of Delphi->FPC differences, AndrewJohnson 10/17/2003
  • Use pascal stylesheet to make example code more readable, AndrewJohnson 10/18/2003
  • Added 'Another method to convert a Delphi or Kylix project to Lazarus' section , George Lober, 2/17/2006
  • Traducción al castellano (español) iskraelectrica (jldc) / mayo de 2008.